pimgu 5.4.2023.7

Creator: railscoder56

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pimgu 5.4.2023.7

Pimgu is a lightweight framework that combines the power of Pygame and ImGui to create intuitive and responsive 2D GUI applications. This framework provides an easy-to-use interface to build user interfaces while harnessing the capabilities of Pygame and ImGui under the hood.

Simple API for creating and managing ImGui-based user interfaces
Integrated with Pygame for efficient event handling and rendering
Customizable callbacks for input handling, ImGui rendering, and Pygame rendering
Easy control of application flow and frame rate
Cross-platform support

It is recommended that you have <= Python 3.6 installed on your machine.
pip install pimgu

Here's a basic example of how to create a Pimgu application with a simple ImGui window:
import imgui
from pimgu import Applet

def main_gui():
imgui.begin("My First Pimgu Window")
imgui.text("Hello, world!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Applet(title="Pimgu Example")

The core class of Pimgu is Applet, which provides a high-level interface to manage your application.
Applet Constructor
Create a new Applet instance with the following parameters:

title (str, optional): The title of the application window. Default is "Pimgu Application".
dimensions (tuple, optional): The dimensions of the window (width, height). Default is (1280, 720).
icon_path (str, optional): Path to the window icon (optional). Default is an empty string.

Applet Methods

run(): Runs the main loop of the application.
register_input_callback(callback: Callable): Register a callback to be called during Applet input processing.
register_imgui_callback(callback: Callable): Register a callback to be called during Applet GUI processing.
register_pygame_render_callback(callback: Callable[..., Tuple[pygame.Surface, int, int]]): Register a callback to be called during Pygame render time.
register_tick_callback(callback: Callable): Register a callback to be called during the Applet's tick stage (before rendering, after input).

Applet Properties

get_title() -> str: Get the title of the application window.
get_screen() -> pygame.Surface: Get the Pygame screen surface.
get_imgui_io(): Get the ImGui IO buffer.
get_imgui_renderer() -> PygameRenderer: Get the ImGui Pygame renderer.
get_clock() -> pygame.time.Clock: Get the Pygame clock object.
get_cls_color() -> tuple: Get the clear color of the OpenGL buffer.
is_running() -> bool: Check if the application is running.
get_target_fps() -> int: Get the target frame rate.
set_cls_color(cls_color: tuple): Set the clear color of the OpenGL buffer.
set_running(running: bool): Set the application running state.
set_target_fps(target_fps: int): Set the target frame rate.

You can find more examples in the examples folder, which demonstrate various features of Pimgu, such as handling input events, custom rendering, and ImGui usage.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to help improve Pimgu.
Pimgu is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
This project is developed and maintained by Ian Wilkey (iwilkey). Feel free to contact him through his website, https://www.iwilkey.com/contact, with any questions, concerns, ideas, or issues.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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