PingdomLib3 3.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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PingdomLib3 3.0.0

Written by: Kenneth Wilke <>
This is a python library to provide full access to the pingdom API, along with
a few additional features to make using the API easier and pythonic.

Usage examples

Connecting to pingdom
import pingdomlib
api = pingdomlib.Pingdom(username, password, apikey)

Show all checks that are not in ‘UP’ status
# See pingdomlib.pingdom documentation to see available calls and settings
pingdomchecks = api.getChecks()
for check in pingdomchecks:
# See pingdomlib.check documentation for information on PingdomCheck class
if check.status != 'up':
print check

Creating a new check
newcheck = api.newCheck("New check name", "")

Updating a check
# Updates to check objects are pushed immediately to pingdom
newcheck.paused = True

Disabling change pushing for checks
api.pushChanges = False

Get last 10 pingdom alerts sent
import datetime
for alert in api.alerts(limit=10):
time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(alert['time'])
timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

print "[%s] %s is %s" % (time, alert['name'], alert['status'])

Get outages for a specific check
import datetime
check = api.getCheck(227878)
for outage in check.outages():
# timestamp conversion
time_start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(outage['timefrom'])
timestamp_start = time_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
time_end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(outage['timeto'])
timestamp_end = time_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

print "%s: %s from %s to %s [%dm]" % (, outage['status'],
timestamp_start, timestamp_end,
(outage['timeto'] -
outage['timefrom']) / 60)


Wil Clouser
Ash Berlin
Wu Jiang
Gertjan Oude Lohuis
Benjamin Boudreau
Britt Gresham
Allard Hoeve
Willem de Groot
Aaron Fay
Rick van de Loo
Oleksandr Kushchenko
Steven Bailey

Special thanks
Anders Ekman, Pingdom, for offering warm and helpful support with the API

TODO list
Planned improvements

Optional Gzip Compression
Improve check update process with pushChanges disabled


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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