pip-author-stats 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pipauthorstats 0.0.2

PyPI Author Stats Reporter
The PyPI Author Stats Reporter is a Python package designed to fetch and analyze PyPI package data for a specific author. It generates comprehensive reports detailing package downloads and other statistics, offering valuable insights into the usage and popularity of an author's packages.
To install PyPI Author Stats Reporter, use pip:
pip install pip-author-stats

As a Python Module
PyPI Author Stats Reporter can also be integrated into your Python scripts.
from pip_author_stats.report_generator import generate_report

# Generate a report for a specific PyPI author
report = generate_report('your-pypi-author-username')

Report Details
The generated report includes:

Total number of packages by the author.
Total number of downloads across all packages.
Average number of downloads per package.
Maximum and minimum number of downloads for individual packages.
The name of the most downloaded package.

Output Example
When you run PyPI Author Stats Reporter, it outputs a JSON formatted report with detailed statistics. Here is an example snippet:
"Summary Report": {
"Total Packages": 5,
"Total Downloads": 15000,
"Average Downloads": 3000,
"Max Downloads": 5000,
"Min Downloads": 1000,
"Package with Most Downloads": "example-package"
"Detailed Report": [
"package": "example-package",
"total_downloads": 5000
// More package data...

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to fork, modify, and make pull requests to enhance the functionalities of this tool.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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