pip-save 0.2.0

Creator: railscoderz

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pipsave 0.2.0

### pip-save[<img src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pip-save.svg">](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip-save)pip-save is a simple wrapper around **pip** so as to add ```npm --save``` style functionality to pip.Currently its a big pain while installing new dependencies using pip. After installing the dependency,you need to figure out the version number and then manually add it to your requirements file.``pip-save`` allows you to install/uninstall any dependecy and automatically add/removeit to/from your requirements file using one command only.Since its only a wrapper around pip install and uninstall commands,it accepts all options/config as these commands.#### Installation You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode pip-save install [<list of packages>]To upgrade a package pip−saveinstall−−upgrade[<listofpackages>]Touninstallapackageandremoveitfromyourrequirements.txt pip-save uninstall [<list of packages>]To install a package from VCS and add it to your requirements file $ pip-save install -e <url of the repo>#### ConfigurationFor most users the default configuration of pip-save should be fine. If you dowant to change pip-save's defaults you do so by adding configuration options toa configuration file. If a `.pipconfig` file exists in the current workingdirectory, its automatically loaded.Here is an example of available options along with their default values. [pip-save] requirements = requirements.txt use_compatible = False##### Configuration Options* requirements:- path to the requirements file to be used. Default value is `requirements.txt`Can be overwritten by using command line option `-r` or `--requirement`* use_compatible:- whether to use compatible version specifier instead of exact versions.Default value is `False`. Can be overwritten by using command line flag `--use-compatible`


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