pipefun 0.0.7

Creator: railscoder56

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pipefun 0.0.7

A simple, lightweighted, zero dependency python piping package.
pip install pipefun

from pipefun import Pipable, out
from pipefun.Functionals import square

add_to = lambda a: lambda b: a + b # a curried **add** function

output = ~(x >> add_to(3) >> square)

print(output) # 36

The >> operator pushes a Pipable into a function and return a new Pipable with the return value of the function.
The ~ operator pulls the value in a Pipable
Note that Pipable is immutable, so the returned Pipable doesn't equal the input and is a new one
x_out = x >> add_to(3) >> square

print(x_out == x) # False
print(~x_out == ~x) # False

Pipe merging
In daily use case, it's very possible that functions take more than 1 arg. To handle this, Pipable can store more than 1 values and plug them into a function when needed.
We use the | operator to merge Pipables. In Python, it has lower priority than >>.
x = Pipable(3)
y = Pipable(5)

out = x >> square # Pipable(9)

# merge two Pipables together
out = out | y # Pipable(9, 5)

# plug the pipes into a two args function
out = out >> add # Pipable(14)

print(~out) # 14

Alternatively, in one line.
out = ( x >> square | y) >> add # Pipable(14)
print(~out) # 14

Let's discard the ~ operator
There is a special function in Pipable package that do nothing. If a Pipable is piped into it, same thing will happen with what the ~ operator do.
from pipefun import Pipable, out

x = Pipable(2)

y = x >> square >> out
print(y) # 4


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