pipen 0.15.5

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pipen 0.15.5

A pipeline framework for python

Documentation | ChangeLog | Examples | API

Easy to use
Nearly zero-configuration
Nice logging
Highly extendable

pip install -U pipen

from pipen import Proc, Pipen, run

class P1(Proc):
"""Sort input file"""
input = "infile"
input_data = ["/tmp/data.txt"]
output = "outfile:file:intermediate.txt"
script = "cat {{in.infile}} | sort > {{out.outfile}}"

class P2(Proc):
"""Paste line number"""
requires = P1
input = "infile"
output = "outfile:file:result.txt"
script = "paste <(seq 1 3) {{in.infile}} > {{out.outfile}}"

# class MyPipeline(Pipen):
# starts = P1

if __name__ == "__main__":
# MyPipeline().run()
run("MyPipeline", starts=P1)

> echo -e "3\n2\n1" > /tmp/data.txt
> python example.py

06-09 23:15:29 I core _____________________________________ __
06-09 23:15:29 I core ___ __ \___ _/__ __ \__ ____/__ | / /
06-09 23:15:29 I core __ /_/ /__ / __ /_/ /_ __/ __ |/ /
06-09 23:15:29 I core _ ____/__/ / _ ____/_ /___ _ /| /
06-09 23:15:29 I core /_/ /___/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ |_/
06-09 23:15:29 I core
06-09 23:15:29 I core version: 0.15.3
06-09 23:15:29 I core
06-09 23:15:29 I core ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
06-09 23:15:29 I core ║ MYPIPELINE ║
06-09 23:15:29 I core ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
06-09 23:15:29 I core plugins : verbose v0.12.0
06-09 23:15:29 I core # procs : 2
06-09 23:15:29 I core profile : default
06-09 23:15:29 I core outdir : /home/pwwang/github/pipen/MyPipeline-output
06-09 23:15:29 I core cache : True
06-09 23:15:29 I core dirsig : 1
06-09 23:15:29 I core error_strategy : ignore
06-09 23:15:29 I core forks : 1
06-09 23:15:29 I core lang : bash
06-09 23:15:29 I core loglevel : info
06-09 23:15:29 I core num_retries : 3
06-09 23:15:29 I core scheduler : local
06-09 23:15:29 I core submission_batch: 8
06-09 23:15:29 I core template : liquid
06-09 23:15:29 I core workdir : /home/pwwang/github/pipen/.pipen/MyPipeline
06-09 23:15:29 I core plugin_opts :
06-09 23:15:29 I core template_opts :
06-09 23:15:31 I core
06-09 23:15:31 I core ╭─────────────────────────────── P1 ───────────────────────────────╮
06-09 23:15:31 I core │ Sort input file │
06-09 23:15:31 I core ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
06-09 23:15:31 I core P1: Workdir: '/home/pwwang/github/pipen/.pipen/MyPipeline/P1'
06-09 23:15:31 I core P1: <<< [START]
06-09 23:15:31 I core P1: >>> ['P2']
06-09 23:15:31 I verbose P1: size: 1
06-09 23:15:31 I verbose P1: [0/0] in.infile: /tmp/data.txt
06-09 23:15:31 I verbose P1: [0/0] out.outfile:
06-09 23:15:33 I verbose P1: Time elapsed: 00:00:02.018s
06-09 23:15:33 I core
06-09 23:15:33 I core ╭═══════════════════════════════ P2 ═══════════════════════════════╮
06-09 23:15:33 I core ║ Paste line number ║
06-09 23:15:33 I core ╰══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╯
06-09 23:15:33 I core P2: Workdir: '/home/pwwang/github/pipen/.pipen/MyPipeline/P2'
06-09 23:15:33 I core P2: <<< ['P1']
06-09 23:15:33 I core P2: >>> [END]
06-09 23:15:33 I verbose P2: size: 1
06-09 23:15:33 I verbose P2: [0/0] in.infile:
06-09 23:15:33 I verbose P2: [0/0] out.outfile:
06-09 23:15:35 I verbose P2: Time elapsed: 00:00:02.009s
06-09 23:15:35 I core

MYPIPELINE: 100%|█████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:06<00:00, 0.36 procs/s]

> cat ./MyPipeline-output/P2/result.txt
1 1
2 2
3 3

See more examples at examples/ and a more realcase example at:
Plugin gallery
Plugins make pipen even better.

pipen-annotate: Use docstring to annotate pipen processes
pipen-args: Command line argument parser for pipen
pipen-board: Visualize configuration and running of pipen pipelines on the web
pipen-diagram: Draw pipeline diagrams for pipen
pipen-dry: Dry runner for pipen pipelines
pipen-filters: Add a set of useful filters for pipen templates.
pipen-lock: Process lock for pipen to prevent multiple runs at the same time.
pipen-log2file: Save running logs to file for pipen
pipen-poplog: Populate logs from jobs to running log of the pipeline
pipen-report: Generate report for pipen
pipen-runinfo: Save running information to file for pipen
pipen-verbose: Add verbosal information in logs for pipen.
pipen-gcs: A plugin for pipen to handle files in Google Cloud Storage.
pipen-cli-init: A pipen CLI plugin to create a pipen project (pipeline)
pipen-cli-ref: Make reference documentation for processes
pipen-cli-require: A pipen cli plugin check the requirements of a pipeline
pipen-cli-run: A pipen cli plugin to run a process or a pipeline


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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