pipen-board 0.16.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pipenboard 0.16.2

Visualize configuration and running of pipen pipelines on the web.

pip install pipen-board

$ pipen board --help
Usage: pipen board [options] <pipeline> -- [pipeline options]

Configure and run pipen pipelines from the web

Required Arguments:
pipeline The pipeline and the CLI arguments to run the pipeline. For the
pipeline either `/path/to/pipeline.py:<pipeline>` or
`<module.submodule>:<pipeline>` `<pipeline>` must be an instance of
`Pipen` and running the pipeline should be called under `__name__ ==

Optional Arguments:
-h, --help show help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to serve the UI wizard [default: 18521]
-a FILE, --additional FILE
Additional arguments for the pipeline, in YAML, INI, JSON or TOML
format. Can have sections `ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS` and `RUNNING_OPTIONS`.
It can also have other sections and items to override the
configurations generated from the pipeline. If the pipeline is
provided as a python script, such as
`/path/to/pipeline.py:<pipeline>`, and `<pipeline>` runs under
`__name__ == '__main__'`, the additional file can also be specified
as `auto` to generate a `RUNNING OPTIONS/Local` section to run the
pipeline locally.
--loglevel {auto,debug,info,warning,error,critical}
The logging level. If `auto`, it will be set to `debug` if `--dev` is
set, otherwise `info`. [default: auto]
--dev Run the pipeline in development/debug mode. This will reload the
server when changes are made to this package and reload the pipeline
when page reloads for new configurations. Page cache is also disabled
in this mode.
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
The working directory of the pipeline. [default: .pipen]
-s SCHEMA_DIR, --schema-dir SCHEMA_DIR
The directory to store the configuration schemas. [default: ~/.pipen-

Describing arguments in docstring
Docstring schema
class ProcessOrProcessGroup:
"""Short summary

Long description
Long description

arg1 (<metadata>): description
- subarg1 (<metadata>): description
- subarg2 (<metadata>): description
arg2 (<metadata>): description

<Other Sections>:

The metadata can have multiple attributes, separated by semicolon (;). For example:
arg1 (action=ns;required): description

You can mark a process using pipen.utils.mark(<mark>=<value>) as a decorator to decorate a process. For example:
from pipen import Proc
from pipen.utils import mark

class MyProc(Proc):

Available marks:

board_config_no_input: Whether to show the input section for the process in configuation page. Only affects the start processes. Default to False.
board_config_hidden: Whether to hide the process options in the configuration page. Note that the process is still visible in the process list. Default to False.

Metadata for arguments

Allowed values

Like the action argument in argx*.
store_true, store_false, ns, namespace, append, extend, clear_append, clear_extend (other values are allowed but ignore, they may be effective for CLI use)

Board type (option type specified directly). If specified, action will be ignored
ns, choice, mchoice, array, list, json, int, float, bool, str, text, auto*

Fallback for action and btype
Same as btype

Fallback for action=store_true
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=text
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=ns
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=choice
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=mchoice
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=array/btype=list
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=choice
No values needed

Shortcut for btype=mchoice
No values needed

The order of the argument in the UI.
Any integer

Whether the argument is readonly.
No values needed (True if specified, otherwise False)

Whether the argument is required.
No values needed (True if specified, otherwise False)

The placeholder in the UI for the argument.
Any string

The type of the elements in an array or list.
int, float, bool, str, json, auto*

Fallback for bitype
Same as bitype

argx*: An argument parser for Python, compatible with argparse.
auto*: Automatically infer the type from a string value.

Any of True, TRUE, true, False, FALSE, false will be inferred as a bool value.
Any of None, NONE, none, null, NULL will be inferred as None.
Any integers will be inferred as int.
Any floats will be inferred as float.
Try to parse the value as JSON. If succeed, the value will be inferred as json.
Otherwise, the value will be inferred as str.

Types of options in the UI
The type of an option in the UI is determined by the btype, action or type metadata. If neither is specified, a PlainText will be used.

BoolOption: Shown as a switch
TextOption: Shown as a textarea (allow multiple lines)
ChoiceOption: Shown as a dropdown list (subarg1 and subarg2 in the example above are used as the choices)
MChoiceOption: Shown as a multiple choice list (subarg1 and subarg2 in the example above are used as the choices)
JsonOption: Shown as a textarea, but the value will be validated and parsed as JSON
ArrayOption: Shown as a tag input. Items can be added or removed.
AutoOption: Shown as a 1-row textarea, and the value will be parsed automatically
PlainText: Shown as a plain text. No validation or parsing will be performed.
MoreLikeOption: Show as a box with buttons to add or remove sub-options. It's usally used together with ns type. If there is a sub-option under the option in the docstring wrapped by <...>, it indicates that we may have more sub-options.


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