pipen-log2file 0.8.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pipenlog2file 0.8.0

Save running logs to file for pipen.
The log file is saved to <workdir>/<pipeline>/.logs/run-<date-time>.log by default.
A symlink <workdir>/<pipeline>/run-latest.log is created to the latest log file.
The xqute logs are also saved to <workdir>/<pipeline>/<proc>/proc.xqute.log
Note that the original handler of xqute logger is removed during pipeline running.

plugin_opts.log2file_xqute: Whether to save xqute logs. Default: True.
if False, the xqute logger will be kept intact.
plugin_opts.log2file_xqute_level: The log level for xqute logger. Default: INFO.
plugin_opts.log2file_xqute_append: Whether to append to the log file. Default: False.

pip install -U pipen-log2file

Enabling/Disabling the plugin
The plugin is registered via entrypoints. It's by default enabled. To disable it:
plugins=[..., "no:log2file"], or uninstall this plugin.


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