pipenv-to-requirements 0.9.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pipenvtorequirements 0.9.0

Generate requirements[-dev].txt from Pipfile (using pipenv).
Used in my modern Python module project cookiecutter.

Free software: MIT
Documentation: https://pipenv-to-requirements.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Source: https://github.com/gsemet/pipenv-to-requirements

Pipfile and its sibling Pipfile.lock are clearly superior tools defining clear dependencies
or a package. Pipfile is to be maintained by the package’s developer while Pipfile.lock
represent a clear image of what is currently installed on the current system, guarantying full
reproductibility of the setup. See more information about Pipfile format here. Most of the time, Pipfile.lock should be ignored (ie, not
tracked in your git) for packages published on Pypi.
pipenv is a great tool to maintain Pipfile, but
developers might be stuck with backward compatibility issues for tools and services that still use
requirements.txt and does not know how to handle Pipfile or Pipfile.lock yet.
For examples:

Read the Docs
Pyup (experimental support is
arriving )
Any library that uses PBR (*)
pip install (if you install a package with pip that does not have a requirements.txt,
its dependencies won’t be installed, even if you use Pipfile)

(*): for the moment, I recommend to generate at least requirements.txt (without version
freeze) for the libraries using PBR that you publish on Pypi. Remember PBR automatically synchronize
the content of requirements.txt found at the root of a package with setup.py of this package.
This allows automatic installation of the very dependencies of your package.
Without this file, your package will be installed by pip, but its dependencies will be ignored.
Support in PBR may be added in the future (see this
this patch ).
For build reproductibility, I also recommend to check in your lock file even for libraries,
so that your CI won’t fail when new packages is published on Pypi.

Just before building source/binary/wheel package of your python module, only of the following

To generate requirements files (ie, dependencies are described eventually by range), typically
for libraries:

pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements

To generate frozen requirements (ie, all dependencies have their version frozen), typically for

pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -f

It will generate requirements.txt and, if applicable, requirements-dev.txt, in the current

Also possible:

pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -d requirements-dev-custom.txt
pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -d requirements-dev-custom.txt -f
pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -o requirements-custom.txt
pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -o requirements-custom.txt -f
pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -d requirements-dev-custom.txt -o requirements-custom.txt -f

Example using a Makefile:
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pip install -e .

dists: requirements sdist bdist wheels

# For a library, use:
pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements
# For an application, use:
# pipenv run pipenv_to_requirements -f

sdist: requirements
pipenv run python setup.py sdist

bdist: requirements
pipenv run python setup.py bdist

wheels: requirements
pipenv run python setup.py bdist_wheel
Just use make requirements to refresh the requirements.txt.

Read the Docs
Simply commit these files in your tree so that Read the Rocs, and ensure they are synchronized each
time you change your Pipfile. Do not forget to ask Read the Docs to use requirements-dev.txt
when building the documentation.

Create your development environment with
$ make dev
Execute unit tests:
$ make test
Code formatter:
$ make style
Code Style Checks:
$ make check


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