pipwrap 0.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pipwrap 0.2.1

pipwrap simplifies handling Python project requirements across multiple
environments. pip freeze > requirements.txt gets your project started,
but do you really want mock, coverage, etc. installed on your production
server? If you’ve ever found yourself sifting through the output of pip
freeze trying to figure out what packages you’ve installed but didn’t yet
add to one of your requirements files, then pipwrap is the tool for you.


Create or update requirements files based on installed packages
Remove stray packages in virtualenv
List discrepancies between installed packages and requirements files

You can get pipwrap from PyPI with:
pip install pipwrap
The development version can be installed with:
pip install -e git://github.com/jessamynsmith/pipwrap.git#egg=pipwrap
If you are developing locally, your version can be installed from the
working directory with:
python setup.py.install

Note: You may ignore warnings about “Recursive requirements not supported.” These
are due to current limitations of the requirements-parser library.
Getting Started with pipwrap

(Optional) Create requirements files with a list of your packages
Interactively populate requirements files from currently installed
pipwrap -r

Create a top-level requirements.txt file that points to your
production requirements, e.g. “-r production.txt”

Keeping requirements up to date with pipwrap

Interactively update requirements files from currently installed
pipwrap -r # Adds packages in virtualenv
pipwrap -rc # Adds packages in virtualenv and removes packages not in virtualenv

Remove stray packages in virtualenv:
pipwrap -x

See discrepancies between installed packages and requirements files:
pipwrap -l

NOTE: This last option can be used to determine what the other options would do. Any packages
in the “Packages installed but not present in requirements” section would be uninstalled with
the -x option or added to requirements with the -r option. Any packages in the “Packages present
in requirements but not installed” section would be removed from the requirements files with the
-rc option.

Fork the project on github and git clone your fork, e.g.:
git clone https://github.com/<username>/pipwrap.git
Create a virtualenv and install dependencies:
mkvirtualenv pipwrap
pip install -r requirements/package.txt -r requirements/test.txt
Run tests with coverage (should be 100%) and check code style:
coverage run -m nose
coverage report -m
Verify all supported Python versions:
pip install tox
Install your local copy:
python setup.py.install


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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