pirateweatherlib 0.4.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pirateweatherlib 0.4.0

This library for the Pirate Weather
API provides access to
detailed weather information from around the globe.
It has been adapted from
Quick start
Before you start using this library, you need to get your API key
API Calls
Function forecast handles all request parameters and returns a
Forecast object.
>>> from pirateweather import forecast
>>> boston = forecast(key, 42.3601, -71.0589)

The first 3 positional arguments are identical to the 3 required
parameters for API call. The optional query parameters need to be
provided as keyword arguments.
Using time argument will get you a time machine call. Using
timeout argument will set default request
>>> BOSTON = key, 42.3601, -71.0589
>>> from datetime import datetime as dt
>>> t = dt(2013, 5, 6, 12).isoformat()
>>> boston = forecast(*BOSTON, time=t)
>>> boston.time

Data Points and Data Blocks
The values as well as DataPoint and DataBlock objects are accessed
using instance attributes or dictionary keys. You can access current
values directly, without going through currently data point.
>>> boston['currently']['temperature']
>>> boston.temperature

Data blocks are indexable and iterable by their data values.
>>> len(boston.hourly)
>>> boston.hourly[1].temperature
>>> # list temperatures for next 10 hours
... [hour.temperature for hour in boston.hourly[:10]]
[60.83, 59.49, 58.93, 57.95, 56.01, 53.95, 51.21, 49.21, 47.95, 46.31]

Nonexistent attributes will raise AttributeError and dictionary keys
KeyError the way you'd expect.
Raw data
To get the raw data dictionary, you can either access it through
instance attributes or navigate to it through dictionary keys, the same
way you would navigate the actual dictionary.
>>> boston.hourly[2]
{'ozone': 290.06, 'temperature': 58.93, 'pressure': 1017.8, 'windBearing': 274, 'dewPoint': 52.58, 'cloudCover': 0.29, 'apparentTemperature': 58.93, 'windSpeed': 7.96, 'summary': 'Partly Cloudy', 'icon': 'partly-cloudy-night', 'humidity': 0.79, 'precipProbability': 0, 'precipIntensity': 0, 'visibility': 8.67, 'time': 1476410400}
>>> boston['hourly']['data'][2]
{'ozone': 290.06, 'temperature': 58.93, 'pressure': 1017.8, 'windBearing': 274, 'dewPoint': 52.58, 'cloudCover': 0.29, 'apparentTemperature': 58.93, 'windSpeed': 7.96, 'summary': 'Partly Cloudy', 'icon': 'partly-cloudy-night', 'humidity': 0.79, 'precipProbability': 0, 'precipIntensity': 0, 'visibility': 8.67, 'time': 1476410400}

Flags and Alerts
All dashes - in attribute names of Flags objects are replaced by
underscores _. This doesn't affect the dictionary keys.
>>> # instead of 'boston.flags.isd-stations'
... boston.flags.isd_stations
['383340-99999', '383390-99999', '383410-99999', '384620-99999', '384710-99999']
>>> boston.flags['isd-stations']
['383340-99999', '383390-99999', '383410-99999', '384620-99999', '384710-99999']

Even though Alerts are represented by a list, the data accessibility
through instance attributes is preserved for alerts in the list.
>>> boston.alerts[0].title
'Freeze Watch for Norfolk, MA'

Updating data
Use refresh() method to update data of a Forecast object. The
refresh() method takes optional queries (including time, making it a
Time machine object) as keyword arguments. Calling refresh()
without any arguments will set all queries to default values. Use
timeout argument to set the request timeout.
>>> boston.refresh()
>>> (boston.time, boston.temperature, len(boston.hourly))
(1476403500, 60.72, 49)
>>> boston.refresh(units='si', extend='hourly')
>>> (boston.time, boston.temperature, len(boston.hourly))
(1476404205, 15.81, 169)
>>> boston.refresh(units='us')
>>> (boston.time, boston.temperature, len(boston.hourly))
(1476404489, 60.57, 49)

For Developers
Response headers are stored in a dictionary under response_headers
>>> boston.response_headers['X-response-Time']

Example script
from pirateweather import forecast
from datetime import date, timedelta

BOSTON = 42.3601, 71.0589

weekday = date.today()
with forecast('API_KEY', *BOSTON) as boston:
print(boston.daily.summary, end='\n---\n')
for day in boston.daily:
day = dict(day = date.strftime(weekday, '%a'),
sum = day.summary,
tempMin = day.temperatureMin,
tempMax = day.temperatureMax
print('{day}: {sum} Temp range: {tempMin} - {tempMax}'.format(**day))
weekday += timedelta(days=1)

Light rain on Friday and Saturday, with temperatures bottoming out at 48°F on Tuesday.
Sun: Partly cloudy in the morning. Temp range: 44.86 - 57.26°F
Mon: Mostly cloudy in the morning. Temp range: 44.26 - 55.28°F
Tue: Clear throughout the day. Temp range: 36.85 - 47.9°F
Wed: Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening. Temp range: 33.23 - 47.93°F
Thu: Light rain overnight. Temp range: 35.75 - 49.71°F
Fri: Light rain in the morning and afternoon. Temp range: 45.47 - 57.11°F
Sat: Drizzle in the morning. Temp range: 43.3 - 62.08°F
Sun: Clear throughout the day. Temp range: 39.81 - 60.84°F

The code is available under terms of [MIT License]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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