pitcrew 0.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pitcrew 0.0.3

🔧 Pitcrew
AsyncIO-powered python DSL for running commands locally, on docker, or over ssh.

What does Pitcrew do?

Pitcrew can run commands

$ crew sh date

...or over ssh

$ crew sh -p providers.ssh -P '{"hosts": [""]}' date

on hundreds of hosts!

$ crew sh -p providers.ssh -P '{"hosts": [""]}' date

Crew can also run tasks

$ crew run install.homebrew

Tasks are either other shell commands, or other tasks, for example,
this provisions Cloudfront, SSL and S3 and builds and deploys docs to pitcrew.io

$ crew run examples.deploy_pitcrew

You can list available tasks

$ crew list

...edit an existing task

$ crew edit examples.deploy_pitcrew
# opens in $EDITOR

or create a new task!

$ crew new some.new.task

From binary
To install pitcrew in your home directory, run the following:
curl -fsSL "https://github.com/joshbuddy/pitcrew/releases/latest/download/crew-$(uname)" > crew
chmod u+x crew
./crew run crew.install --dest="$HOME/crew"

From PyPi
To install from the Python Package Index, run the following:
pip install pitcrew
crew run crew.install --dest="$HOME/crew"

From source
git clone https://github.com/joshbuddy/pitcrew
cd pitcrew
python3.6 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

A command or set of commands is called a task. A context runs tasks either locally, on docker or over ssh.
A provider generates contexts.
Tasks are either composed from other tasks or invoking a command on a shell.
An example of a task might be reading a file. fs.read(path) reads a file as bytes and returns it:
import base64
from pitcrew import task

@task.arg("path", desc="The file to read", type=str)
@task.returns("The bytes of the file")
class FsRead(task.BaseTask):
"""Read value of path into bytes"""

async def run(self) -> bytes:
code, out, err = await self.sh_with_code(f"cat {self.params.esc_path}")
assert code == 0, "exitcode was not zero"
return out

Other tasks might include writing a file, installing xcode or cloning a git repository. All the currently available
tasks are listed at docs/tasks.md. The api available in a task is available at docs/api.md#crewtask.
An example of a context might be over ssh, or even locally. Learn more about contexts at docs/api.md#crewcontext.
A provider is a task with a specific return type. The return type is an async iterator which returns contexts.
For detailed usage, see docs/cli.md for more details.
Run a command
Pitcrew allows running a command using bin/crew sh -- [shell command].
For example crew sh ls / will list the "/" directory locally.
You can run this across three hosts via ssh using crew sh -p providers.ssh -P '{"hosts": ["", "", ""]}' ls /.
Run a task
Pitcrew allows running a task using crew run [task name] <task args>. This will normally target your local machine unless you use the -p flag to select a different provider.
See available tasks
To see all the available tasks run crew list. This will show all available tasks which are stored in crew/tasks.
Make a new task
To see all the available tasks run crew new [task_name]. This will create a template of a new task.
Run tests
To run an ad-hoc command use . For tasks use crew run [task-name] <args>.
Get CLI help
To see the whole list of commands available from the command-line, run crew help.


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