piwiPre 0.18.20

Creator: railscoder56

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piwiPre 0.18.20

piwiPre is a python/windows tool to prepare pictures and video for piwigo (and any other album management),
and maintain the piwigo album and database
It was initially developed for a piwigo instance running on a remote server such as a Synology NAS,
while the 'photo' and 'thumbnails' directories are accessible from a PC where piwiPre is run,
but it can run on many other configurations.
Many features can be useful even when piwigo is not used.
piwiPre executes the following tasks:

Read configuration files and command-line argument to insure a high level of configuration.

Process new pictures/video on the local host in the TRIAGE directory and copy them on the piwigo server

process copy of content and leave original unmodified
convert most (managed by python) pictures formats to JPG
convert most (managed by ffmpeg) video formats to MP4
realign picture rotation, according to EXIF data
perform correction on picture/video dates according to settings
insert metadata (copyright, instructions, author) in the JPEG IPTC or MP4 file
rename pictures according to a user-defined scheme
replace by '_' characters that piwigo does not support in filenames
avoid collision of filenames
create the corresponding sub-album in piwigo, inserted in the increasing order of subdirectories
put updated copies into ALBUM, through file copy, NFS or ssh/sftp
build piwigo thumbnails, even for video
copy thumbnails to the appropriate location, through file copy, NFS or ssh/sftp
self-configure ALBUM for maintenance
update the piwigo SQL database with metadata and MD5 checksum

Maintain ALBUM

work only on selected directories
Ensure the directory is aligned with the current configuration
Insert pictures and video in the piwigo database, with metadata, md5 checksum and author
Update the information stored in the piwigo database

log intensively the actions

piwiPre comes with:

a Windows installer: pwpInstaller.exe, with and without Graphical User Interface (--gui true)
a GUI that can be used to configure and/or run the program : piwiPre --gui true
cmdline versions of piwiPre and pwpInstaller
a python version of pwpConfigurator, that runs on Linux and Windows
Python source code,
a Python library downloadable from Pypi,
Windows Executable versions
74 configuration items
a complete user documentation in English and French (see bellow)
test coverage at 95% of the code

what piwiPre does not
piwiPre does not manage synology thumbnails created by Synology file-station in @eaDir directories,
which is not a concern because those thumbnails are small (less than 500KB).
How to get piwiPre

Python module on Pypi : https://pypi.org/project/piwiPre
Python source on gitlab: https://gitlab.com/fabien_battini/piwiPre
Windows installer and one-file exes on gitlab artifacts: https://fabien_battini.gitlab.io/piwipre/html/download.html

How to use piwiPre (short)

Copy new pictures and videos from your cameras to the TRIAGE directory.

Create subdirectories is TRIAGE according to your taste

The name of the subdirectory will be a base for the new filename of pictures
move files into one of those.

Optionally edit the pictures in TRIAGE with digiKam, gimp or other image processing tool.

If you want managed files to be written to a remote piwigo server, then you need a piwiPre.ini configuration file.

If it does not exist, create one by running 'piwiPre --gui true'
If ALBUM, THUMBNAILS and AUTO-CONFIG directories are accessible, album, thumbnails and auto-config should be set.
If the sql database is accessible, sql-user, sql-pwd, sql-host, sql-port should be set.
You may want to change the (english speaking) default values for month-name, copyright, instructions.

Run piwiPre


pictures have metadata inserted
picture rotation is reset to default
Files are renamed according to directories, dates
the thumbnails are generated
the corresponding sub-album has been created in piwigo, inserted in the increasing order of subdirectories
files have been copied to ALBUM
piwigo database is updated
so, the corresponding pictures should be visible in piwigo without further action
piwiPre.log holds an exhaustive log

piwiPre as a tool
piwiPre is also a command-line tool, with command-line options.
For more information:
piwiPre --help or python -m piwiPre --help
Documentation is built using Sphinx https://www.sphinx-doc.org/
Documentation is generated in https://fabien_battini.gitlab.io/piwipre/html/
This process is achieved automatically through gitlab CI pipelines.
gitlab: https://gitlab.com/fabien_battini/piwipre
doc : https://fabien_battini.gitlab.io/piwipre/html/
test coverage: https://fabien_battini.gitlab.io/piwipre/html/htmlcov/index.html
pypi: https://pypi.org/project/piwipre/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabien-battini-supelec/


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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