pixaiAPI 0.1.11

Creator: railscoder56

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pixaiAPI 0.1.11

💬 Pixai.art
An unofficial API for Pixai.art for Python using request
💻 Installation
pip install PixaiAPI

🔑 Get Token
The token is needed for authorization and operation of requests from your account

Open DevTools in your browser
Go to Storage -> Local Storage -> api.pixai.art:token
Copy value

📙 Example
from pixai import PixaiAPI

client = PixaiAPI('TOKEN')

startGeneration = client.createGenerationTask(
prompts='girl, white hair, winter',

imageurlurl = client.getTaskById(startGeneration)
image = client.DownloadImage(imageurlurl)

⛏️How is work (short)
Due to the unofficial nature of the API, the approach to image generation deviates from standard methods

Send createGenerationTask to initiate image generation
Receive generationId as acknowledgment.

To track the progress or retrieve the generated image, use the getTaskById endpoint, passing in your generationId

Use getTaskById with your generationId to get a link to the image
Dowload image by link

Workflow Summary
createGenerationTask -> receive generationId -> getTaskById with generationId -> receive url_to_image -> Download image from link


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