pixeldifference 1.0.0

Creator: railscoderz

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pixeldifference 1.0.0

PixelDifference - Pixel differences between two images
This package is for comparing pixel differences between two images. It will check the same pixel positions on both images. This can be used to compare how different an image is to the original after compression or editing.
If one image is cropped, for example, you can use ignoreSize=True to only compare the area which is present in both images.
You need python3 and pillow to use this package.
pip install pillow

pip install pixeldifference

# Import packages
from pixeldifference import PixelDifference
from PIL import Image

# Load two images from your device
# You need to change the image paths to your images
imageOne = Image.open('/path/to/imageOne.jpg', 'r')
imageTwo = Image.open('/path/to/imageTwo.jpg', 'r')

# Initialise
pd = PixelDifference(imageOne, imageTwo)

# The total number of pixels checked
totalpixels = pd.total

# The percentage of different pixels compared to the total checked area
percentdifferent = pd.percent

# The total number of different pixels in the checked area
pixelsdifferent = pd.pixels

Advanced Settings
Images of Different Size
This will compare an area which exists in both images. Use this if one image is cropped, for example.
# Use ignoreSize=True
pd = PixelDifference(imageOne, imageTwo, ignoreSize=True)

Compare Pixels in Hexadecimal (eg. #FFFFFF)
This will convert all the pixels to hexadecimal values, like #FFFFFF, before comparison. The default compares the RGB values.
# Use convert2Hex=True
pd = PixelDifference(imageOne, imageTwo, convert2Hex=True)


Compare two images for differences, pixel by pixel
Compare pixels in RGB or hexadecimal values
Use different sized images
Image difference in pixels, and percentage of total area

To Do

Add image file size comparison
Improve Readme
Command line arguments
More tests
Handle images from string paths
Performance tests/improvements
Allow for more than 2 images

-v1.0.0 (June 12th, 2021)
Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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