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pixelforestdrf 0.2.3
PixelForest DRF
This repository host the code of the PixelForest DRF package.
This package will host most of the reusable applications/code we use on a project basis as the PixelForest Dev Team.
Note This package is under public licensing because we figured it might be useful for other as it is.
Current subpackages
utils: A subpackage with useful tools for Django applications. Not an application itself (but used as one for testing), no need to add it to your installed apps
countries: A django application to handle some location data, based on 3 levels: Country, SubRegion and Region
companies: A django application to handle companies structure, based on 4 levels: CompanyGroup, Company, Subsidiary and Service
users: A django application to handle users
rest: A collection of basic apis for the applications subpackages
Getting started
The following requirements will need to be installed and configured
Python 3.6
Django Rest Framework
You can install the package using pip:
pip install pixelforest_drf
Add the wanted application(s) to your INSTALLED_APPS:
'rest_framework', # necessary to use
'phonenumber_field', # necessary to use pixelforest_drf.users
If you use the pixelforest_drf.users subpackage, define the user in your settings:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "users.PFUser"
Run the included migrations:
python3 migrate
Rest Endpoints
Add the wanted URL patterns:
from import api_urls
urlpatterns = [
path('', include(api_urls)),
Or, if you are not using all subpackages, you can nitpick:
from import api_urls as countries_urls
from import api_urls as companies_urls
from import api_urls as users_urls
urlpatterns = [
path('', include(countries_urls)),
path('', include(companies_urls)),
path('', include(users_urls)),
Please contact the PixelForest Dev Team for any bug report or feature request.
countries_objects.csv: Merge of the Wikipedia ISO 3166-1 article, and data from the UN Statistics site for regions and sub-regions.
Work inpired by lukes ISO-3166 Github but redone to allow for MIT Licensing. Country Flags - (Public Domain)
Jean-Xavier Raynaud - email - Product Owner / System Architect / Developer
Milo Parigi - email - Scrum Master / Developer
Victor Duvernois - email - Developer
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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