PixelP 0.5

Creator: railscoder56

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PixelP 0.5

Overview: PixelP (PixelProcessor) is an image augmentation and preprocessing package.This tool has 3 functions idg,create_gray_data and create_color_data
1.idg():Augments new images
Arguements : Data_path - Path to source folder
CATEGORIES - Name of folders inside parent source folder
Data_out - Path to output folder
rotrange - Rotation range varying from 0-360
wshift - Width shift 0-1
hshift - Height shift 0-1
srange - Shear Range 0-1
zoom - Zoom Range 0.1
hflip - horizontal flip TRUE or FALSE
fill - Fill Mode 'wrap','nearest','constant','reflect'

create_gray_data():Turns image to grayscale and reshapes to user defined size
Arguements : IMG_SIZE - no. of pixels (pixel x pixel)
training_data - empty list []
Data_train - Path to images
CATEGORIES - Name of folders inside parent source folder

create_color_data():reshapes to user defined size
Arguements : IMG_SIZE - no. of pixels (pixel x pixel)
training_data - empty list []
Data_train - Path to images
CATEGORIES - Name of folders inside parent source folder


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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