planajob 6.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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planajob 6.1.2

This is a sales order and purchasin package
version 5.1.2 corrects a bug which was in version 5.1.1
version 5.2.1 is for windows. My screen reso is 1024x768 which is not really big enough
if you can set a bigger screen then set line 893 to a bigger height
for windows delete line 18 is not required so delete it or comment it out
Similarly lines 758, 896 and 898
planajob6 is the same functions as version 5 but it uses a nicer menu system
it includes list of cutomer details and suppliers
you can enter sales and purchase orders
invoice print out is included
Download to a directory of your choice and cd to that directory.
edit line 17 of to point to your directory
type python or whatever the .py file is called.
the main menu will appear
click on setup and again setup on the sub menu This will set up the database file in your directory
The other menu options should be obvious but note that when addin a new record you will see a box with a number of line
Enter the details as prompted
there are 4 type of transactions:
listings eg of customer details
adding a record eg a new stock record
Issuing or receiving stock
printing an invoice
when listin, if the page is too long then click on any blank part of the screen and use the up/down keys on the keyboard
you can use gedit to edit or print the output
when adding a new record you will find that some records cannot be duplicated eg stock.
If you enter a duplicate you will see a warning at the bottom. just click ok and try again
issuing or receiving stock will update the stock record and also the issued field in the order
printing an invoice is where you would like to use gedit to print out
Any problems please email to


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