plasticscm-statistics 0.0.14

Creator: railscoder56

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plasticscmstatistics 0.0.14

Plastic SCM Repository Activities Reporting
Python command line library to generate Plastic SCM repository activities reports.
Our command line utility relies on the following other utilities:

cm: Plastic SCM command line.
diff: Unix utility that computes and displays the differences between the contents of files
diffstat: Unix utility that provides statistics based on the output of diff.

Make sure that you have configured Plastic SCM client application so that it uses the Unix command-line utility diff for comparing text files. This setting needs to be written in the Plastic SCM client application's configuration file $USER/.plastic4/client.conf:
<string>/usr/bin/diff -u "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile"</string>

pip install plasticscm-statistics

usage: cmstats [-h] [--end-time ISO8601] [--logging-level LEVEL] [--server NAME] [-o PATH]
[--start-time ISO8601]

Plastic SCM repository activities reporting

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--end-time ISO8601
specify the latest date of changesets to return. This date is exclusive, so changesets that
were made at this date are not returned.
--logging-level LEVEL
specify the logging level (critical, error, warning, info, debug)
--server NAME specify the Plastic SCM server to connect to
-o PATH, --output-file PATH
specify the path and name of the file to write in the activity statistics of the Plastic SCM
--start-time ISO8601
specify the earliest date of changesets to return. This date is inclusive, so changesets that
were made at this date are returned.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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