Plate 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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Plate 1.0.1


Internationalization Library for Python

Plate (Python translate) is an i18n library for Python that gives your application the ability to
speak many languages. It is designed to be simple and straightforward to use for developers and easy for

Translations based on JSON files
Interpolated translations

$ pip3 install plate

Plate is not going to perform any translation; what it does, instead, is simply providing a way to manage
already-translated phrases so that they can be easily accessed from your application code.
These translated phrases are kept in JSON files stored in a folder inside the application working directory and
organized by their respective language codes. The JSON keys are in common to all translations and the values
of each contain the translated phrases.

Create a new locales folder in your working directory to store translation files.
Put files named after their language codes: en_US.json, it_IT.json, and so on. All available language codes can
be found here.
Start adding new phrases and translations. Here's an example for en_US.json and it_IT.json
"hello": "Hello",
"morning": "Good morning, {name}",
"drink": "Let's drink :SAKE: together",
"apples": "No apples | One apple | {count} apples"

"hello": "Ciao",
"morning": "Buongiorno, {name}",
"drink": "Beviamo :SAKE: insieme",
"apples": "Nessuna mela | Una mela | {count} mele"

First of all, create a new Plate instance. Plate will automatically look for files inside the locales folder
or another custom folder you pass to the root parameter. The default and the fallback locale is en_US, by default.
from plate import Plate

plate = Plate()

Translate a phrase by simply passing a key and a language code of the destination locale.
plate("hello", "it_IT") # Ciao

You can also set a new default locale to have all subsequent translations in that language.
plate("hello") # Ciao

Or, get a translator for a given locale instead, so that the default locale will be kept unchanged.
italian = plate.get_translator("it_IT")
italian("hello") # Ciao

Note: The examples below will assume plate.set_locale("it_IT") for conciseness.
Pass named arguments to interpolate your translations.
plate("morning", name="Dan") # Buongiorno, Dan

Emoji can be added with :EMOJI_NAME: inside your sources and are automatically inserted with the actual values.
All available emoji can be found here. You can search for, visualize them and grab their
names at
plate("drink") # Beviamo 🍶 insieme

Pluralization is done by keeping all the plural cases separated by a pipe | (by default, customizable) and by using the special interpolation
key {count}. The following example shows how to translate and pluralize a phrase for count cases of zero, one and more.
plate("apples", count=0) # Nessuna mela
plate("apples", count=1) # Una mela
plate("apples", count=7) # 7 mele

MIT © 2020 Dan


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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