platform-plugin-braze 2.1.1

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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platformpluginbraze 2.1.1

This is an edx-platform plugin designed to integrate with’s Braze
One major thing it does is identify hubspot-alias-only accounts once a
user registers for an LMS account (thus merging the two Braze profiles into
It’s unique to’s specific deployment and services, and thus is not
part of Open edX releases.

This repo holds a single edx_braze djangoapp module, meant to be
pip-installed during deployment of edx-platform and which will register
itself as an edx platform plugin.

Development Workflow

One Time Setup
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd platform-plugin-braze

# Set up a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper with the same name as the repo and activate it
mkvirtualenv -p python3.8 platform-plugin-braze

Every time you develop something in this repo
# Activate the virtualenv
workon platform-plugin-braze

# Grab the latest code
git checkout master
git pull

# Install/update the dev requirements
make requirements

# Run the tests and quality checks (to verify the status before you make any changes)
make validate

# Make a new branch for your changes
git checkout -b <your_github_username>/<short_description>

# Using your favorite editor, edit the code to make your change.
vim …

# Run your new tests
pytest ./path/to/new/tests

# Run all the tests and quality checks
make validate

# Commit all your changes
git commit …
git push

# Open a PR and ask for review.

Reporting Security Issues
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email

Change Log


[2.1.1] - 2023-09-22

Added support for Django 4.2

[2.1.0] - 2023-07-14

Remove Support for identifying alias-only save_for_later users in Braze,
when a user with a matching email registers in the LMS

[2.0.0] - 2022-02-16

Dropped support for Django22, 30 and 31
Added Django40 support

[1.2.0] - 2021-12-14

Support added for identifying alias-only save_for_later users in Braze,
when a user with a matching email registers in the LMS

[1.1.0] - 2021-09-21

Added support for Django 3.1 and 3.2

[1.0.0] - 2021-06-04

First release
Supports identifying alias-only hubspot users in Braze, when a user
with a matching email registers in the LMS.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

Customer Reviews

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