platform-utils 1.5.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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platformutils 1.5.1

Platform_utils is a library which provides several cross-platform utilities, including:

path manipulation - allows you to do several things with paths including getting the path to store application data, creating the application data directory, checking whether the app is frozen, etc.
clipboard - allows getting/setting clipboard text.
idle - allows getting the user idle time on Windows.
process - allows killing processes on Windows and Unix.
shell_integration - adds something to the context menu on Windows.
blackhole - disables stdout/stderr when using py2exe.


Check whether the app is frozen:
>>> import platform_utils.paths
>>> platform_utils.paths.is_frozen()

Find the recommended directory where user data files should be stored:
>>> import platform_utils.paths
>>> platform_utils.paths.app_data_path("app name")
u'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Roaming\\app name'


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