playingcards1598 1.3.5

Creator: railscoder56

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playingcards1598 1.3.5
An Advanced and Customisable Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games and running simulations general, simple and easy!

Easy to use python interface
Easy to Understand, general, Class Objects
Card Comparisons


Requires Python 3.9 and above

You can install the module from PyPI or by using pip.
# Linux/MacOS
pip3 install playingcards1598

# Windows
pip install playingcards1598

How To Use
Quick Start
To quickly get started you can initiate a deck
from playingcards import Deck

deck = Deck()

Shuffle the deck using shuffle()

Draw cards from this deck by using draw_top_n()
drawn_cards = deck.draw_top_n(5) # Draws 5 cards

print(len(deck)) # Prints 47
print(len(drawn_cards)) # Prints 5

Return the deck to original form using reset()
print(len(deck)) # Prints 52

Custom Cards
This module presents three class objects for creating custom cards: Rank and Suit for the building blocks, and Card for the construction.
You can construct custom classes as follows
rank = Rank('J', num_value=11) # Creates a Jack rank
suit = Suit('s', pretty='♠') # Creates a spade suit

card = Card(rank, suit) # Creates the Jack of Hearts

A full deck of custom cards can be created by passing it during the Deck initiation.
custom_deck = Deck([card]) # A custom deck consisting of only the card the specified above

Alternatively, a custom deck can be instantiated using the from_ranks_suits() class method
big_red_deck = Deck.from_ranks_suits(
[Rank(value, num) for rank, num in [('A', 14), ('K', 13), ('Q', 12), ('J', 11), ('T', 10)]],
[Suit(suit, pretty) for suit, pretty in [('h', '♥'), ('d', '♦')]]

Card Collections
Deck is a subclass of CardCollection
Other CardCollection's are possible. For example, to create a Texas Holdem Poker hand (two cards), you could do the following
class TexasHand(CardCollection):
def __init__(self, cards: list[Card]):
super().__init__(cards, maximum = 2)

Class Arguments

Rank Arguments

value str - A string representation of the value of the rank
num_value int (optional) - A numerical value of the card, used in games that consist of ordering

Suit Arguments

value str - The desired value of the suit - s, h, c, d for a standard deck
pretty str (optional) - A prettier representation of the suit - ♠, ♥, ♣, ♦ for a standard deck

Card Arguments

rank Rank - The rank of the card
suit Suit - The suit of the card

Deck and CardCollection Arguments

cards list - A list of the cards in the collection
maximum int (optional) - The maximum number of cards in the collection


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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