playlabs 0.5.1

Creator: railscoder56

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playlabs 0.5.1

Playlabs: the obscene ansible distribution~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Playlabs combines simple ansible patterns with packaged roles to create adocker orchestrated paas to prototype products for development to production.Playlabs does not deal with HA, for HA you will need to do the ansible pluginsyourself, or use kubernetes ... but Playlabs will do everything else, evenconfigure your own sentry or kubernetes servers !DISCLAMER: maybe it even works for you, but that's far from garanteed so far.Quick start===========Init your ssh user with your key and secure sshd and passwordless sudo:: playlabs init root@ # all options are ansible options are proxied playlabs init @somehost --ask-become-passNow your user can install roles:: playlabs install ssh,docker,firewall,nginx @somehostAnd deploy a project, examples:: playlabs @somehost deploy image=betagouv/mrs:master playlabs @somehost deploy image=betagouv/mrs:master plugins=postgres,django,uwsgi backup_password=foo prefix=ybs instance=hack env.SECRET_KEY=itsnotasecret playlabs @somehost deploy prefix=testenv instance=CIBRANCHimage=CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeCI_PROJECT instance=You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modebackup `variable- `` clean up files you have taken out after the backup has been `done- `` clear the place where you want to extract data from the `restic backup repository- `` load new data and clean after the project was restarted in `the snapshot version,- `deploy.pre.yml` ansible tasks to execute before project deployment, ie. spawn `postgres- `` ansible tasks to execute after project deployment, ie. `create users from inventory- `vars.yml` plugin variables declarationOperations==========By default, it happens in /home/yourprefix-yourinstance. Contents depend on theactivated plugins.In the /home/ directory of the role or project there are scripts:- `` standalone command to start the project container, feel free `to have on that one- `` cause a secure backup, upload with lftp if inventory defines dsn- `` recovers the secure backup repository `with lftp if inventory desfines dsn. Without argument` list snapshots. With a `snapshot argument` proceed to a restore of that snapshot including project `image version and plugin data- `` removes un-needed old backup snapshots- `log` logs that playlabs rotates for you, just fill in log files, it will do a copy truncate though, but works until you need prometheus or somethingFor backups to enable, you need to set backup_password, either with -e, eitherthrough yourpefix_yourinstance_backup_password.The restic repository is encrypted, if you set the lftp_dsn oryourprefix_yourinstance_lftp_dsn then it will use lftp to mirror them. If youtrash the local restic repository, and run, then it will fetch therepository with lftp.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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