plex-scrobble 4.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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plexscrobble 4.1.1

plex-lastfm-scrobbler provides a set of scripts that allow you to
scrobble played audio items to Last.FM from the Plex Media Server
application. plex-lastfm-scrobbler was built to run across platforms,
though only tested on Linux.
A few points

plex-lastfm-scrobbler is an out of process tool. Meaning it is not a
Plex Media Server plug-in. This tool runs separately of your Plex
Media Server.
Must be run on the Plex Media Server
Parses Plex Media Server logs for the ‘got played’ string in the log
Does not differentiate between clients. Meaning all media played,
will be scrobbled while the script is running.
Your plex-media-server logs must be set at DEBUG level (not VERBOSE)

Linux, OSX
It is recommended (but not required) that you install this into a
virtualenvironment. This can be done as such.
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/plex-lastfm-scrobbler
source ~/.virtualenvs/plex-lastfm-scrobbler/bin/activate
Installing via pip or easy_install is supported. For example
:pip install plex-scrobble or easy_install plex-scrobble.
If you wish to run development builds, fetch and install the source from
the github repo.
git clone
cd plex-lastfm-scrobbler
python install
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt # for mock/testing packages.
Alternatively, you can fetch the latest zip from github
cd plex-lastfm-scrobbler-master
python install
You’re done.

Run the wizard to generate config file
plex-scrobble --wizard
The plex-lastfm-scrobbler configuration file (.plex-scrobble.toml) is
installed to ~/ . The following configuration values are available.
If you’re running Plex Media Server on a Linux based operating system,
things should work out of the box.
# REQUIRED: You'll need to create a API application first. Do so here:
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"
user_name = "LAST_FM_USERNAME"
password = "LAST_FM_PASSWORD"

# mediaserver_log_location references the log file location of the plex media server
# the default under /var/lib/... is the default install of plex media server on
# a Linux system. You may wish to change this value to reference your OS install.
mediaserver_log_location = "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log"

# REQUIRED: Where do you wish to write the plex-scrobble log file.
log_file = "/tmp/plex-scrobble.log"

# REQUIRED: mediaserver_url is the location of the http service exposed by Plex Media Server
# the default values should be 'ok', assuming you're running the plex scrobble
# script from the same server as your plex media server
mediaserver_url = "http://localhost:32400"

# REQUIRED: a python data struture that stores failed scrobbles. plex-scrobble
# will retry on a 60 minute interval, maximum of 10 attempts if is
# experiencing issues.
cache_location = "/tmp/plex_scrobble.cache"

# OPTIONAL: plex_token defines the plex token used to get metadata
# Note: This is required if you use localhost or and Plex Media Server >= 1.1.0
# You will know if you see a line like this your log_file:
# [plex_scrobble.plex_monitor fetch_metadata] [ERROR] urllib2 error reading from http://localhost:32400/library/metadata/48080 'HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized'
# Here is how you can obtain your token
plex_token = "YOUR_PLEX_TOKEN"

If you installed plex-lastfm-scrobble to a virtual environment, enable
the virtual env.
source ~/.virtualenvs/plex-lastfm-scrobber/bin/activate
run the application
nohup plex-scrobble &

Troubleshooting & Known Issues

If your Plex client supports the universal transcoder (see “Old and
Universal transcoder @,
tracks will be scrobbled at the start of play. This is due to the way
that the universal transcoder writes to the Plex log file. See issue
11 ( for
background discussion.
We’ve seen instances when Plex Media Server does not report the
length of an audio file. This may occur before a full library analyze
has completed. When the track length is not reported by the Plex
Media Server, the song will not be scrobble. Try forcing the
“Analyze” audio library function. Further discussion found in issue

Or browse the github issues list to review old bugs or log a new
problem. See


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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