
Creator: railscoder56

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Description: 4.2.1

Background (
FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is the industry standard for Healthcare system. Our intend to implement FHIR based system using Plone! will make life easier to create, manage content for FHIR resources as well search facilities for any FHIR Resources.

How It Works
This field is working as like other zope.schema field, just add and use it. You will feed the field value as either json string or python dict of FHIR resources through web form or any restapi client. This field has built-in FHIR resource validator and parser.
from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class IMyContent(model.Schema):

<resource_type>_resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',
fhir_release='any of FHIR release name'
resource_type='any fhir resource type[optional]'
The field’s value is the instance of a specilized class FhirResourceValue inside the context, which is kind of proxy class of fhir model with additional methods and attributes.


Plone restapi support
Widget: z3cform support
plone.supermodel support
plone.rfc822 marshaler field support

Available Field’s Options
This field has got all standard options (i.e title, required, desciption and so on) with additionally options for the purpose of either validation or constraint those are related to FHIR.

Required: Yes
Default: None
Type: String
The release version of FHIR
Example: R4, STU3

Required: No
Default: None
Type: String
The name of FHIR resource can be used as constraint, meaning that we can restricted only accept certain resource. If FHIR json is provided that contains other resource type, would raise validation error.
Example: FhirResource(….,resource_type=’Patient’)

Required: No
Default: None
Type: String + full python path (dotted) of the model class.
Like resource_type option, it can be used as constraint, however additionally this option enable us to use custom model class other than fhirclient’s model.
Example: FhirResource(….,model=’fhirclient.models.patient.Patient’)

Required: No
Default: None
Type: JSON
The custom index mapping, best case is elasticsearch mapping. Default mapping would be replaced by custom.

Field’s Value API
Field’s value is a specilized class which has reponsibilty to act as proxy of fhirclient model’s class. This class provides some powerful methods.

Originally this method is derived from fhir base model, you will always have to use this method during negotiation (although our serializer doing that for you automatically). This method not takes any argument, it returns FHIR json representation of resource.


If you are familar with FHIRPath Patch, this method one of the strongest weapon of this class. Patch applying on any FHIR resources is noting but so easy.
This method takes one mandatory argument patch_data and that value should be list of patch items (jsonpatch).
from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class ITask(model.Schema):

resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',

patch_data = [
{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/source/display', 'value': 'Patched display'},
{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/status', 'value': 'Reopen'}


This method returns string representation of fhir resource json value. Normally as_json returns python’s dict type data. This method takes optional prettify argument, by setting this argument True, method will return human/print friendly representation.


There may some situation come, where you will need just pure instance of fhir model, this method serves that purpose. This method returns current fhir resource model’s instance.
from fhirclient.models.task import Task
from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class ITask(model.Schema):

resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',

task = task_content.resource.foreground_origin()
assert isinstance(task, Task)

Install by adding it to your buildout:


eggs =
and then running bin/buildout. Go to plone control and install or If you are creating an addon that depends on this product, you may add <dependency></dependency> in metadata.xml at profiles.

Code repository:

Continuous Integration:

Issue Tracker:

The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


1.0.0 to 2.0.0

Simply old indexes are not usable any more! as new ES server (6.x.x) is used.
Do backup of your existing Data.fs (important!).
From plone controlpanel, Go to elasticsearch settings page /@@elastic-controlpanel.
Convert Catalog again, make sure in the Indexes for which all searches are done through ElasticSearch section
your desired indexes are select.
If your site is behind the proxy, we suggest make ssh tuneling to connect your site.
Because next takes much times, (depends on your data size)
Rebuild Catalog && wait for success, if you face any problem try again.

1.0.0rc3 to 1.0.0rc4

Keep backup of existing Data.fs (nice to have)
Go to plone control panel’s Addon settings
Uninstall and Install again

1.0.0b6 to 1.0.0rc3

Keep backup of existing Data.fs (important)
Just Clear and Rebuild existing catalogs. Go to site management -> portal_catalog -> Advanced Tab and click the Clear and Rebuild button. Caution: this activity could take longer time.

1.0.0bx to 1.0.0b6

You will need to remove all the indexes who are based on Fhir*******Index. Go to ZMI to portal catalog tool. {site url}/portal_catalog/manage_catalogIndexes.
Update the version and run the buildout.
List out any products those defined (profile/catalog.xml) indexes based on Fhir*******Index as meta type. Reninstall them all.
From ZMI, portal_catalog tool, {site url}/portal_catalog/manage_catalogAdvanced Clear and Rebuild


Md Nazrul Islam (Author),


4.2.1 (2022-10-18)

Issue-37: Can not add a default value for fhirfield.

4.2.0 (2020-12-07)

Field deserializer is now accepting fhir.resources’s model object, FhirResourceValue, alongside with string and dict type value.
FhirResource::from_resource_model method has been added.

4.1.0 (2020-09-08)

Not any visibly improvement, but a lot of cleanup unused, unnecessary codes, in that impact made more slimmer version.


api module has been removed, use any import from instead.
IFhirResourceModel interface is no longer available.

4.0.0 (2020-08-17)

supports pydantic powered latest fhir.resources via fhirpath.
suports Python 3.6.


Any FHIR search, FhirFieldIndex, EsFhirFieldIndex are removed. Please see collective.fhirpath for those implementation.
model_interface parameter has been removed from FhirResource field.
Removed three registry.
extra option elasticsearch has been removed from

3.1.1 (2020-05-15)

Nothing changed but some documents updated.

3.1.0 (2020-05-14)

Drop support python version until 3.6.x
FhirResource.get_fhir_version been changed to FhirResource.get_fhir_release and no longer returns Enum member instead just string value.
One of required FhirResource init parameter fhir_version has been changed to fhir_release.

Removed Helper Functions use fhirpath.utils.lookup_fhir_class. use fhirpath.utils.lookup_fhir_class_path use fhirpath.utils.import_string

3.0.0 (2020-03-18)

Elasticsearch mappings are updated with correct value.

3.0.0b2 (2019-11-12)

Fully compatiable with collective.fhirpath.
It is possible to provide custom index mapping through FhirResource field.


fhir_version value is manadatory, so you have provide fhir version number.


Using PluginIndexes (EsFhirFieldIndex) has been deprecated.
FHIR Search through portal_catalog has been deprecated.
Using elasticsearch mapping from this project has been deprecated.

3.0.0b1 (2019-10-01)

FHIRPath support added through collective.fhirpath.
Now supports Elasticsearch server version 6.8.3.


Drop support python 2.x.x.

2.0.0 (2019-05-18)

Issue#14 Now reference query is powerful yet!
It is possible now search by resourceType only or mixing up.
Issue#21 One of the powerful feature added, IN/OR support in search query.
Now possible to provide multiple values separated by comma.


Drop support Elastic server version 2.3.x.


Important fix for Quantity search type, now value prefix not impact on other (unit, system). Additionally
also now possible to search by unit or system and code (without value)

1.0.0 (2019-01-18)

Drop fhirclient dependency, instead make fhir.resources dependency.
collective.elasticsearch version minimum version 2.0.5 has been pinned.

1.0.0rc4 (2018-10-25)

Drop support for Plone 4.xx (sorry).


Issue#10 JSON Viewer added in display mode.
Issue#18 api module to make available for all publicly usable methods, functions, classes.
Issue#17 Add suports for duplicate param names into query string. It is now possible to provide multiple condition for same param type. For example ?_lastUpdated=gt2015-10-15T06:31:18+00:00&_lastUpdated=lt2018-01-15T06:31:18+00:00
Issue#10 Add support for Composite type FHIR search param.
Issue#13 Add support for Address and ContactPoint mapping. It opens up many search params.
Mappings are more enriched, so many missing mappings are added, like valueString, valueQuantity and so on.[nazrulworld]
Issue#12 Full support for code search param type has been added, it also opens up for other search parameters (y).
Issue#15 support for Humanane mapping in search.

1.0.0rc3 (2018-09-22)

Issue: 6 A major improvement has been done, now very slim version (id, resourceType, meta) of FHIR json resource has been indexed in ZCatalog (zope index) version, however previously whole fhir resource was stored as a result now huge storage savings, perhaps improves indexing performance. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0rc2 (2018-08-29)

Issue 5: FHIR search’s modifier ‘missing’ is not working for nested mapping

1.0.0rc1 (2018-08-27)

Identifier search parameter is active now (both array of identifier and single object identifier).
Array of Reference query support (for example basedOn (list of reference) ) is active now. Although normal object reference has already been supported.
All available mappings for searchable resources are generated.
FHIR search sort feature is available!, and registry records are available to setup ES mapping
URI and Number type parameter based search are fully available.
`resourceType` filter is automatically injected into every generated query. Query Builder knows about which resourceType should be.

Breaking Changes have to install, as some registry records (settings) for elasticsearch mapping have been introduced.
Any deprecated FHIR Field Indexes other than FhirFieldIndex (FhirOrganizationIndex and so on) are removed

1.0.0b7 (2018-08-10)

Media search available. exception class available, it would be used to catch any fhir query buiding errors. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b6 (2018-08-04)

Fix: minor type mistake on non existing method called.
Migration guide has been added. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b5 (2018-08-03)

FhirFieldIndex Catalog Index has been refactored. Now this class is capable to handle all the FHIR resources. That’s why other PluginIndexes related to FhirField have been deprecated.
New ZCatalog (plone index) index naming convention has been introduced. Any index name for FhirFieldIndex must have fhir resource type name as prefix. for example: task_index

1.0.0b4 (2018-08-01)

Must Update (fix): Important updates made on mapping, reference field mapping was not working if value contains with /, now made it tokenize by indecating index is not_analyzed
_profile search parameter is now available. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b3 (2018-07-30)

Mapping improvment for FhirQuestionnaireResponseIndex, FhirObservationIndex, FhirProcedureRequestIndex, FhirTaskIndex, FhirDeviceRequestIndex

1.0.0b2 (2018-07-29)
New Features:

supports for elasticsearch has been added. Now many basic fhir search are possible to be queried.
upto 22 FHIR fields indexes (FhirActivityDefinitionIndex, FhirAppointmentIndex, FhirCarePlanIndex, FhirDeviceIndex, FhirDeviceRequestIndex, FhirHealthcareServiceIndex, FhirMedicationAdministrationIndex, FhirMedicationDispenseIndex, FhirMedicationRequestIndex, FhirMedicationStatementIndex, FhirObservationIndex, FhirOrganizationIndex, FhirPatientIndex, FhirPlanDefinitionIndex, FhirPractitionerIndex, FhirProcedureRequestIndex, FhirQuestionnaireIndex, FhirQuestionnaireResponseIndex, FhirRelatedPersonIndex, FhirTaskIndex, FhirValueSetIndex)
Mappings for all available fhir indexes are created.
elasticsearch option is now available for

1.0.0b1 (2018-03-17)

first beta version has been released.

1.0.0a10 (2018-03-12)

fix(bug) Issue-3: resource_type constraint don’t raise exception from validator.

1.0.0a9 (2018-03-08)

There is no restriction/limit over fhir resources, all available models are supported.

1.0.0a8 (2018-01-22)

fix(bug) Issue-: Empty string value raise json validation error #2:

1.0.0a7 (2018-01-21)

fix(bug) Issue-1: _RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object at form view. #1:

1.0.0a6 (2018-01-14)

missing HealthcareService fhir model is added as supported model.

1.0.0a5 (2018-01-14)

Person fhir model added in whitelist.

1.0.0a4 (2018-01-14)

IFhirResource.model_interface field type changed to DottedName from InterfaceField.

1.0.0a3 (2017-12-22)

FHIR Patch support added. Now patching fhir resource is more easy to manage.
plone.supermodel support is confirmed.[nazrulworld]
plone.rfc822 marshaler field support.[nazrulworld]

1.0.0a2 (2017-12-10)

FhirResourceWidget is made working state. From now it is possible to adapt FhirResourceWidget` with z3c.form [nazrulworld]

1.0.0a1 (2017-12-05)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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