plone.recipe.alltests 1.5.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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plone.recipe.alltests 1.5.2

This recipe creates a testrunner script which is suitable for running all
tests in a buildout environment at once.
At least in Zope2 there are frequently test isolation problems caused by too
much global state being used. Instead of fighting against these test isolation
problems, this recipe provides a convenient way to run all tests on a package
by package basis, provides an overall summary and exits with a combined status
code for all tests runs. The latter makes it possible to use this in a
buildbot environment.

The options you can set in the recipes section in your buildout.cfg.

A list of packages that should be installed in the test environment.
Defaults to the eggs of the [test] part, if available.
By default, tests of these packages and all their dependencies will be run,
unless you change the default-policy.

The file system location of a zc.recipe.testrunner test runner, which
needs to be configured correctly to run all tests for all specified eggs.
Defaults to bin/test.

A buildout section containing a mapping of group names to package names.

Determines whether packages should be included in the test run or excluded,
by default. Set to ‘include’ (the default) to include all packages in the
Python environment, or ‘exclude’ to skip all packages except those
explicity included with include or include-groups.

A list of packages which should be excluded from the test runs, if
default-policy is include. The values are interpreted as Python
regular expressions.

A list of groups which should be excluded from the test runs, if
default-policy is include.

A list of packages which should be included in the test runs, if
default-policy is exclude.

A list of groups which should be included in the test runs, if
default-policy is exclude.

An buildout section containing a mapping of distribution names to package

This recipe create one script named after the recipe section.
All options are optional, so a minimal part looks like this:
recipe = plone.recipe.alltests
This creates a bin/test-all script that runs bin/test for all eggs (and
their dependencies) specified in the [test] part.

Reporting bugs or asking questions
Please report issues and questions at:


1.5.2 (2020-04-21)
Bug fixes:

Minor packaging updates. (#1)

1.5.1 (2018-09-27)

Fix imports when buildout was installed using pip.

1.5 (2015-03-21)

Do not fail if path for a package can not be found.

1.4 (2014-03-02)

Flush stdout after printing status before and after running tests.
Added exclude-groups and include-groups so entire package groups
can be easily included or excluded from the test run.
Added the default-policy setting which makes it possible to exclude
packages by default, unless explicitly listed in include.

1.3 - 2013-10-08

Make it possible to run a single test group by specifying the –group= option.
This can aid with debugging test isolation problems.

1.2 - 2009-11-06

Refactor test summary somewhat to make it easier to parse.
Exclude distribute by default from the test runs. Clarify that we always
run tests for all dependencies of the packages listed in the eggs option.

1.1 - 2009-08-19

Added bin/test as default for test-script option. And [test]’s eggs (if the
part is available) are used if the eggs option isn’t specified explicitly.

1.0 - 2009-08-02

Added support for grouping multiple packages into one test group, avoiding
some of the shared test setup cost.
Added total test time to the output.
Automatically extend the test path with the package location.
Allow the use of regular expressions in the exclude list.
Initial implementation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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