plone.recipe.precompiler 0.7.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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plone.recipe.precompiler 0.7.2

Buildout recipe to precompiles Python and locale files in an egg list.

Why precompilation?
Python ordinarily compiles .py files into .pyc or .pyo byte code files
on demand. Likewise, applications like Plone often compile .po locale
files into .mo representations when needed.
However, if you are running a Python application as a daemon and wish
to prevent write access to code directories, you want to do these
compilations at buildout-time, not run-time. That’s where this recipe
comes in. Passed an egg list, it will pick up all the eggs in the
buildout working set for the list and find and compile .py and .mo
files in place.
.mo file compilation is optional, and must be turned on.

Please note that usage changed with release 0.5. If you need the old
options, use 0.4
Common usage:
parts =
eggs = ...

recipe = plone.recipe.precompiler
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
compile-mo-files = true
This recipe may return harmless warnings regarding the inability to compile skin
layer scripts, which typically have “return” outside of a function. While these
warnings are harmless, you may suppress them by tuning the skip list.

recipe = plone.recipe.precompiler

eggs = required: list of eggs

compile-mo-files = true/false; default is false

extra-paths = optional list of additional paths
that would not be found from eggs
in multiple
indented lines

quiet = true/false; if true, common errors are only shown when buildout's
verbose flag is set.

This recipe was created for use in Plone installers, but is hopefully useful in
many buildout contexts.

Change history
Changelog for plone.recipe.precompiler.

0.7.2 (2020-06-26)
Bug fixes:

Small packaging updates. [gforcada, jensens, maurits]

0.7.1 (2018-11-11)
Bug fixes:

Rerelease to fix Python 3 issue in 0.7

0.7 (2018-11-07)
Bug fixes:

Fix reversion in 0.6, displaying too many .po compile errors.

0.6 (2012-12-17)

Use python_gettext rather than msgfmt to compile .po files. Removes
dependence on gettext.


Suck up error messages and filter them to hide .po compile errors
and .py “return outside function” errors when quiet option is true (default).
Make the extra-paths work with the new working set method for finding eggs.
Removed BBB code. The new way of finding eggs introduced by chaoflow is much
better than my original.
removed the functionality to automatically extract products directories from
parts with the zope2instance recipe. This resulted in buildouts that always
installed ALL parts. If you need the products dir, you must declare it explicitly
like so: dirs = ${instance:products}
(do3cc - 2012-07-12)

0.4 (2010-08-12)

support for walking eggs dependencies, without skip/rx, manually tested.
(chaoflow - 2010-08-12)
support for compiling mo files in those egg dirs, manually tested.
(chaoflow - 2010-08-12)
kept old syntax and code, just don’t specify eggs (untested)


support to recursively compile list of dirs, with subdir blacklist and file
blacklist regex.
(Steve McMahon)


Steve McMahon <>
Florian Friesdorf <>


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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