plot-yar 0.4

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plotyar 0.4

This is my package for plotting approximations
pip install plot_yar

plot_yar.plot_approx(X_data, Y_data, input_function, plot_name='plot_name', plot_title='plot_title',
x_label='x_label', y_label='y_label', Y_absolute_sigma = 0, scientific_view = True, print_cross = True,
save_as_csv = False, to_latex = False, save_fig=True):


X_data: array_like.
X-axis data

Y_data: array_like.
Y-axis data

input_function: string.
Approximation function.
You could use template functions from dict or your own funcitons:

input_function = 'linear'
fun_examples = {'linear':'a0*x+a1', 'poly_2':'a0*x**2+a1*x+a2', 'poly_3':'a0*x**3+a1*x**2+a2*x+a3',
'exp':'e^(a0*x+a1)+a2', 'ln':'ln(a0*x+a1)+a2'}

plot_name: string.
Name of your plot (picture)

plot_title: string.
Your plot title

y_label: string.
Y-axis label

x_label: string.
X-axis label

Y_absolute_sigma: float or array_like.
Absolute Y-axis data error

scientific_view: bool. (default True)
If True numbers will be written as 6.7E+01 instead 670

print_cross: bool. (default True)
Print crosses error or not?

to_latex: bool. (default False)
If True save table of estimated coeffs to latex table, you could use this package:


save_as_csv: bool. (default False)
If True save table of estimated coeffs to csv table

save_fig: bool. (default True)
If True create a folder "pictures" and save plot to .png



from plot_yar import plot_approx
plot_approx([[1.1,2.5,3.2],[2,3,4]],[[2,3,5],[5,6,8]], 'linear')


Coeffs table 0:

coeffs coeffs_values standard error relative se, %
0 a_0 1.327E+00 2.811E-01 2.119E+01
1 a_1 3.265E-01 1.659E+00 5.080E+02

Standart_error_Y_0 = 4.629E-01
Coeffs table 1:

coeffs coeffs_values standard error relative se, %
0 a_0 1.500E+00 8.333E-02 5.556E+00
1 a_1 1.833E+00 8.056E-01 4.394E+01

Standart_error_Y_1 = 2.357E-01


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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