pocketsmith-web-client 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pocketsmithwebclient 0.1.1

A web-based client for Pocketsmith, which adds support for a few things missing from the API:

Searching transactions
Syncing institutions, including those requiring MFA!
Real-time events through Pusher (just like the web UI)

pip install pocketsmith-web-client

import asyncio
from pocketsmith_web import PocketsmithWebClient

pwc = PocketsmithWebClient(
# If 2fa is enabled on the account — NOTE: this is the KEY, not a one-time code!

async def main():
# Check login — NOTE: API methods requiring auth will automatically call this
await pwc.login()

# Search for some transactions and print them out
async for transaction in pwc.search_transactions('Merchant, inc'):
print(f'[{transaction["id"]:>8}] {transaction["date"]:%Y-%m-%d} ${transaction["amount"]:.2f}')

# Sync some institutions
# NOTE: these parameters can be scraped from the Account Summary page,
# in URLs of the format: "/feeds/user_institutions/<uys_id>/refresh?item_ids%5B%5D=<item_id>
await pwc.sync_institution(162303, 91821548)


If you have an institution requiring MFA info, the Pusher client can be used to provide this info when requested. It's up to you to figure out how to acquire the MFA info, though — whether it's from user input, a generated TOTP, a text message, email, etc.
import asyncio
import json
from pocketsmith_web import PocketsmithWebClient, PusherEvent

pwc = PocketsmithWebClient('hambob', 'Myspace123', totp_key='81r0dq0815u88qi2')

async def sync_my_mfa_bank():
uys_id = 162303
item_id = 91821548

await pwc.sync_institution(uys_id, item_id)

async with pwc.pusher() as pusher:
# Wait for an MFA event for our bank
await pusher.events.expect(
matches_uys_item(uys_id, item_id),

# Grab the MFA popup form details
mfa_req = await pwc.get_mfa_form_info()

# Ask the user for the MFA deets, please
print(f'MFA deets required: {mfa_req["label"]}')
token = input('Token: ')

# Now shoot the token back to Pocketsmith
await pwc.provide_feed_mfa(uys_id, item_id, token)

def matches_uys_item(uys_id, item_id):
uys_id = str(uys_id)
item_id = str(item_id)

def does_event_match_uys_item(event: PusherEvent):
if not isinstance(event.data, dict):
return False

event_uys_id = event.data.get('user_yodlee_site_id')

event_items = event.data.get('new_mfa_items', ())
if isinstance(event_items, str):
event_items = json.loads(event_items)
except (TypeError, ValueError):

return uys_id == event_uys_id and item_id in event_items

return does_event_match_uys_item



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