pockyll 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pockyll 0.1.1

# PockyllPockyll is a python tool to create [Jekyll][j] linkposts from your[pocket][pocket] collections because automated linkpost updates are like deathsticks.> "You wanna buy some death sticks?"<br>> "You don't want to sell me death sticks."<br>> "I don't wanna sell you death sticks."<br>> "You want to go home an rethink your life."<br>> "I want to go home and rethink my life."<br>> -- Elan Sleazebaggano & Obi-Wan Kenobi## Features* Pocket item/bookmark syncing that converts your saved & tagged pocket items into linkposts that merge seamlessly with standard Jekyll posts* Linkpost management fully compatible with tools like e.g. [octopress][octopress]* Incremental update support* Tag-specific syncing* Pocket OAuth authentication## Installation ### ConceptUsing pockyll to manage [pocket][pocket] bookmarks requires two pieces: the`pockyll` executable (which pulls your pocket bookmarks into your Jekyll site)and changes to your site setup (in order to enable Jekyll to deal withlinkposts properly).### Installing pockyllEither get the package from PyPi```bashpipinstallpockyll‘‘‘orclonetherepoandinstallmanually‘‘‘bash git clone https://github.com/mkirchner/pockyll.gitcdpockyll python setup.py install```### Pockyll setup1. Login into [pocket][pocket_login], [create a new application][pocket_newapp] that has *retrieve* permissions.2. Switch into your Jekyll site directory3. Generate a a dummy config file `_pockyll.yml`. This can be accomplishedusing pockyllinit4.In‘pockyll.yml‘enterthe‘pocketconsumerkey‘createdinstep1.Editotherfieldsasrequired.5.AuthenticatethepockyllappagainstthepocketAPI pockyll auth This will open a browser window and ask for pocket authentication.### Site setupBy default, pockyll will define a variable `type` with the value `reference`in every linkpost. It will also and include the target link in the `ref`variable inside the YAML post header: --- title: "Clojure, The Good Parts" date: 2016-04-19T23:05:26 type: "reference" ref: https://rasterize.io/blog/clojure-the-good-parts.html ---Writing code that differentiates between normal and linkposts istherefore straightforward. You can simply use the post type as an indicator.Here is an example for a root directory `index.html` file that inserts thelink to the post for every normal post and the link to the reference for everylinkpost:```html<div id="home"> <ul id="blog-posts" class="posts fa-ul"> {% for post in site.posts %} {% if post.type == "reference" %} <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-bookmark-o"></i> <a href="{{ post.ref }}">{{ post.title }}</a> <!-- HERE --> <span>{{ post.date | date_to_string }}</span></li> {% else %} <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-pencil-square"></i> <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a> <!-- HERE --> <span>{{ post.date | date_to_string }}</span></li> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </ul></div>```For normal posts, the link points to `post.url`. If the postis a linkpost, the link points to `post.ref`, thus enabling direct externallinking.## Syncing Jekyll linkposts with PocketOnce you have your site configured, it is time to sync your pocket bookmarks.1. `pockyll sync` (one-way sync of all new posts tagged with any of `pocket_sync_tags`)2. `jekyll build`3. Optional: `jekyll serve` and marvel at the linkposts on your local server at <http://localhost:4000>.## Examples```mk@kowalski:~/src/mysitepockyllsyncRequestingnewitemsfromPocketAPI...Syncing164items.FIXME:[′FIXME′,u′http://insighthealthdata.com/blog/HealthyBeats/index.html′,u′1227075798′]FIXME:[′FIXME′,u′http://ahmetalpbalkan.com/blog/8−months−microsoft/′,u′374320379′]FIXME:[′FIXME′,None,u′0′]Skipping:[′FIXME′,None,u′0′]FIXME:[′FIXME′,u′https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/agile−dead−matthew−kern′,u′1264106151′]FIXME:[′FIXME′,u′http://pjreddie.com/darknet/′,u′1152066420′]FIXME:[′FIXME′,u′https://www.chrisstucchio.com/blog/2013/bayesianbandit.html′,u′393364879′]Done(skipped1).mk@kowalski: /src/mysite```This is an example of an initial sync of a jekyll site against pocket (hencethe number of items). Pockyll automatically 'fixes' missing titles but skipsitems that lack a URI or an ID. I would now change into the `linkpost_dir`,grep all files for the `title: "FIXME"` string and start editing, e.g.: vim `grep -l 'title: "FIXME"' *`## CustomizationPockyll is configured using a `_pockyll.yml` configuration file located inyour Jekyll base directory. After successful OAuth authentication, the filecontains your secret Pocket access token. Hence, please make sure to*include the pockyll configuration into your `.gitignore` file!*### Configuration fileThe overall configuration file structure looks like this:```yamlpocket_consumer_key: ***secret***pocket_access_token: ***secret***pocket_redirect_uri: 'https://getpocket.com/a/'pocket_sync_tags: ['blog']pocket_since: 12326342linkpost_dir: '_posts/linkposts'```### Options- `pocket_consumer_key`: this is the consumer key you obtain from the pocket developer API.- `pocket_access_token`: the access token. Pockyll automatically stores the token in the configuration file after the first successful OAuth authentication event.- `pocket_redirect_uri`: the location to which your are redirected after successful authentication (this can be anything).- `pocket_sync_tags`: a list of pocket tags that should be synced to Jekyll.- `pocket_since`: pocket timestamp that marks the last sync. Automatically updated by pockyll.- `linkpost_dir`: the directory where linkposts should be synced to. Change this to e.g. `_drafts/linkposts` if you want to review changes before publication. In that case use ## LicenseVanilla [MIT](https://github.com/mkirchner/pockyll/blob/master/LICENSE).## ContactFeel free to open issues if you run into trouble or have suggestions. PullRequests always welcome.[j]: http://jekyllrb.com/[octopress]: http://octopress.org/[pocket]: https://getpocket.com/[pocket_login]: https://getpocket.com/login[pocket_newapp]: https://getpocket.com/developer/apps/new


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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