pockyt 1.4.6

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pockyt 1.4.6

A simple, yet powerful, commandline client for your Pocket collection.


PyPi package
GitHub repository

Pocket is an application for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet.
pockyt is a commandline client that interfaces the pocket API and provides a way to interact with your Pocket collection.
Using simple command sequences, routine tasks can be automated and reusable scripts can be created.

pockyt does NOT track, store, or monitor your usage and/or data.
Moreover, pockyt interacts with the pocket API using local credentials and does not attempt to communicate with any other services.

pockyt supports Python 2.7+ & 3.4+ on Windows, macOS, & GNU/Linux platforms.

Install pockyt: pip install -U pockyt
Connect Pocket account: pockyt reg
Refer the Examples & Documentation below.


Get the latest 5 items’ links & excerpts and save them to a file.

pockyt get -n 5 -f '{link} - {excerpt}' -o readlater.txt

Get the oldest 10 items and delete them from Pocket.

pockyt get -n 10 -r oldest -f '{id}' | pockyt mod -d -i redirect

Get all the items about ‘python’ and open them in a browser.

pockyt get -q 'python' -o browser

Get all the links from a ‘links.txt’ and add them to Pocket.

pockyt put -i links.txt

Get all favorited items and archive them.

pockyt get -v 1 | pockyt mod -a 1 -i redirect

Get all favorited items and save offline copies of them.

pockyt get -v 1 -a ./pocket

Feel free to contribute features, bugfixes, improvements, and usage ideas.

Fork pockyt.
Work on the source code.

git clone git@github.com:<username>/pockyt.git
cd pockyt

# runtime dependencies
pip install -e .
# devel dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# do stuff
git checkout -b new-feature

# format files
yapf -i -r .

git add .
git commit -am 'commit msg'
git push origin new-feature

Submit a pull request.

This project uses the GNU GPLv3 License.

pockyt help/-h/–help :

show pockyt usage help

connect a pocket account

get pocket collection, with useful item info

add to pocket collection, using links

modify pocket collection, using item ids

pockyt reg -h :

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

use without browser i.e. print to console

pockyt get -h :

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-c <type>, --content <type>
content type : <type> : {all, [article, video, image]}

-s <state>, --state <state>
collection state : <state> : {all, [unread, archive]}

-r <order>, --sort <order>
item sorting : <order> : {newest, [oldest, title,

-n <amount>, --count <amount>
number of items : <amount> : {-1: all, [n: amount]}

-q <query>, --query <query>
search query : <query> : {None}

-t <option>, --tag <option>
filter tag : {-1: nofilter, [tagname: tagged, 0:

-v <option>, --favorite <option>
filter favorites : <option> : {-1: No Filter, [1:
favorited, 0: un-favorited]}

-d <domain>, --domain <domain>
restrict items to domain : <domain> : {None}

-f <specifier>, --format <specifier>
format output : <specifier> : {‘{id} | {title} |
{link}’, [id, title, link, excerpt, tags]}

-o <option>, --output <option>
redirect output : <option> : {None, [browser,

-a <path>, --archive <path>
save offline copies : <path> : path/to/archive/folder

--since <YYYY-MM-DD>
only return items modified since : <YYYY-MM-DD>

pockyt put -h :

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-f <specifier>, --format <specifier>
unformat input : <specifier> : {‘{link}’, [id, title,
link, excerpt, tags]}

-i <option>, --input <option>
obtain input : <option> : {console, [redirect,
link, filename]}

pockyt mod -h :

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-f <specifier>, --format <specifier>
unformat input : <specifier> : {‘{id}’, [id, title,
link, excerpt, tags]}

-i <option>, --input <option>
obtain input : <option> : {console, [redirect,

-d, --delete
delete items

-a <option>, --archive <option>
archive items : <option> : {-1: None, [1: archive, 0:

-v <option>, --favorite <option>
favorite items : <option> : {-1: None, [1: favorite,
0: unfavorite]}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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