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poco 0.99.1
Poco helps to organise and manage Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes projects of any complexity using simple YAML config files to shorten the route from finding your project to initialising it in your local environment.
Simple. Configure, run and switch between projects with a very simple command line interface.
Flexibility. Manage, scale, maintain projects of any complexity with ease.
Configure Once, Use Everywhere. Configure project once so the rest of your team will feel the value of zero configuration.
Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Helm support out of the box.
Git, SVN support out of the box.
Project Catalog, Multiple Catalogues. Create your own project catalog. Organise and your projects without additional tools.
Multiple Plans. Create multiple plans for different environments or even environments for demo purposes. Switch between plans (environments) with ease.
Simple Config Files. Poco helps to split config files, so it is easy to maintain and scale them any time.
Script Support (Hooks). Add additional scripts any time.
All documentation is available on
Github, Gitlab Integration
Git or SVN
Docker (17.0.0 or higher version is recommended)
kubectl, for Kubernetes support
helm, for helm functionality support
Quick start
Install poco:
$:~ pip install poco
Init project:
$:~ mkdir my-project
$:~ cd my-project
$:~ poco init
poco.yml and docker-compose.yml example files will be created.
Start project:
$:~ poco up
Before adding your project to Poco Repo create new empty git repository,
add repository to your local Poco Repo config:
$:~ poco repo add <name> <git-url>
Now you can add you project to repo:
$:~ poco project add [<target-dir>] [<catalog>]
Publish your changes:
$:~ poco repo push
Stop your project:
$:~ poco stop
Copyright (c) 2017-present,
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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