poeditorexporter 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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poeditorexporter 1.0.1

POEditor exporter
This python command line script exports translations files from POEditor.
To install the project with its dependencies run the following command.
pip install poeditorexporter

python -m poeditorexporter api_token id languages dest filename type

Positional arguments

api_token Your POEditor api token.
id The id of your project.
languages List of languages, separated by a comma.
dest Destination directory of the downloaded files. It must end with a /
filename Name of the file after download. The name will be suffixed by the language.
type The file format. The accepted values are 'po', 'pot', 'mo', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'csv', 'ini', 'resw', 'resx',
'android_strings', 'apple_strings', 'xliff', 'properties', 'key_value_json', 'json', 'yml', 'xlf', 'xmb',
'xtb', 'arb', 'rise_360_xliff'.

Those arguments are mandatory.
Optional arguments

-f or --filters List of filters to apply on result, separated by a comma. Accepted values are 'translated',
'untranslated', 'fuzzy', 'not_fuzzy', 'automatic', 'not_automatic', 'proofread', 'not_proofread'.
-o or --order How the terms should be ordered. Default is set to terms.
-t or --tags Filter result by tags. List of tags separated by a comma.

Print help
python -m poeditorexporter --help
python -m poeditorexporter 1a22cf9d548ebbdf1cb2b3bd10115a8c 12345 en,fr,de /home/user/downloads/ translation properties

This will download english, french and german translations file of project id 12345 in the folder /home/user/downloads/
with names translation_en.properties, translation_fr.properties, translation_de.properties.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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