poet-plugin 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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poetplugin 0.1.2

Poet Plugin
A Poetry plugin to enable exclusivity between groups.
Poet stands for Poetry Exclusivity Toggle (or some other excuse, I did not want a verbose package name and
poet seemed short and sweet since this plugin changes the internal poetry package during runtime).
Simply add this plugin as a dependency with pip install poet-plugin.
When running poetry install, the various options (--only, --without) are parsed to ensure the dependency resolver
only considers what needs to be considered.
This allows a non-mutually exclusive group definition, so that e.g. the dev group can refer to
some local path, whereas a prod group refers to git URI.
Considering the following pyproject.toml, depicting a mono-repository:
python = ">=3.8,<3.12"
poetry = "^1.2.0"

foo = {git = "https://github.com/bar/foo", subdirectory = "src/libs/foo"}

foo = {path = "../../libs/foo", develop = true}

Install the prod version:

poetry install --without dev, OR
poetry install --only prod

Install the dev version:

poetry install --without prod, OR
poetry install --only dev


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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