poetry-plugin-bump 0.1.6

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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poetrypluginbump 0.1.6

A plugin add command poetry command poetry bump patch/minor/major.
Just like npm version ..., It will bump version, commit code and create git tag.
poetry bump patch

will replace previous commands
poetry version ...
git add pyproject.toml
git commit -m '...'
git tag ...

supported version:

poetry version
plugin version



Installation requires poetry 1.2.0+. To install this plugin run:
poetry self add poetry-plugin-bump
If your poetry is installed with pipx:
pipx inject poetry poetry-plugin-bump

For other methods of installing plugins see
the poetry documentation.
Configuration is optional, but you can define config in pyproject.toml
default config:
commit_msg = 'bump: v{version}'
tag_name = 'v{version}'

this will define bump commit message and tag name.
MIT licensed, inspired by https://github.com/keattang/poetry-exec-plugin


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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