poetry-plugin-package-info 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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poetrypluginpackageinfo 1.0.0

Poetry Plugin: Package Info

This package is a plugin that generates a package_info.py file with variables containing values from pyproject.toml and git.
The easiest way to install the package-info plugin is via the self add command of Poetry.
poetry self add poetry-plugin-package-info

If you used pipx to install Poetry you can add the plugin via the pipx inject command.
pipx inject poetry poetry-plugin-package-info

Otherwise, if you used pip to install Poetry you can add the plugin packages via the pip install command.
pip install poetry-plugin-plugin-package-info

By default, the package-info.py file is generated only when using the package-info generate-file command in poetry,
poetry package-info generate-file

The plugin can be enabled to automatically patch wheel files after poetry build is run by adding the patch-wheels to the project pyproject.toml file.
patch-build-formats = ['wheel', 'sdist'] # or can just do ['all']

The plugin can be re-configured in the pyproject.toml file, below are the options and their defaults.

# Patch any .whl files produced by `poetry build`
patch-build-formats = []

# The path relative to the pyproject.toml file
package-info-file-path = "package_name_in_snake_case/package_info.py"

# Search parent directories (relative to pyproject.toml) for .git
git-search-parent-directories = false

# The formatter to format the generated package_info.py file.
formatters = [ "poetry-plugin-package-info.formatters.black:BlackContentFormatter" ]

# The generators to use to extract property values.
generators = { project = "poetry-plugin-package-info.generators.project:ProjectPropertyGenerator", git = "poetry-plugin-package-info.generators.git:GitPropertyGenerator" }

template = """\
\"\"\"Auto-generated by poetry-plugin-package-info at {{ now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() }}.\"\"\"\
{% for import in imports %}
import {{import}}
{% endfor %}
class PackageInfo:
{% for property in properties %}\
{{ " " }}{{property.property_config.variable_name}}: {{as_python(property.property_type)}} = {{as_python(property.property_value)}}
{% endfor %}

# ordered list of variables to include in the file.
properties = [

Give the defaults, below is an example package_info.py file.
"""Auto-generated by poetry-plugin-package-info at 2023-06-11T00:38:17."""
import datetime

class PackageInfo:
project_name: str | None = "poetry-plugin-package-info"
project_description: str | None = "Plugin for poetry that creates/updates a package_info.py file with various details about the project/package."
project_version: str | None = "0.2.0"
project_authors: list[str] | None = ["Ben Ellis <ben.ellis@softweyr.co.uk>"]
project_license: str | None = "MIT"
project_classifiers: list[str] | None = [
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Intended Audience :: Information Technology",
"Intended Audience :: System Administrators",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Git",
"Topic :: Software Development",
"Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging",
"Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup",
"Topic :: System :: Software Distribution",
"Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
project_documentation: str | None = (
project_repository: str | None = None
project_homepage: str | None = (
project_maintainers: list[str] | None = None
project_keywords: list[str] | None = None
git_commit_id: str | None = "b69755ca54300baaabe5f92bc99b7e101712739b"
git_commit_author_name: str | None = "Ben Ellis"
git_commit_author_email: str | None = "ben.ellis@softweyr.co.uk"
git_commit_timestamp: datetime.datetime | None = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
git_branch_name: str | None = "main"
git_branch_path: str | None = "refs/heads/main"
git_is_dirty: bool | None = True
git_is_dirty_excluding_untracked: bool | None = True
git_has_staged_changes: bool | None = False
git_has_unstaged_changes: bool | None = True
git_has_untracked_changes: bool | None = False

Change variable names
It is possible to override the name of the generated variable by expanding the properties section to

properties = [
{ "property-generator" = "git", "property-name" = "is-dirty", "variable_name" = "clean_me" },
{ "property-name" = "git-is-dirty", "variable_name" = "clean_me_too" }

Create a custom formatter
To create a custom formatter for the generated package-info.py file, you can implement the ContentFormatter abstract class.
from poetry_plugin_package_info.plugin import (

class MyContentFormatter(ContentFormatter):
def init(
plugin: PackageInfoApplicationPlugin,
) -> None:
"""Initialise the ContentFormatter for the provided plugin."""

def format_content(self, content: str) -> str:
"""Format the given python file content."""

Once your class is available, you can add it to the formatter configuration in the pyproject.toml file.
formatters = [

Create a custom generator
To create a custom generator for the generated package-info.py file, you can implement the PropertyGenerator abstract class.
from poetry_plugin_package_info.plugin import (

class MyPropertyGenerator(PropertyGenerator):

def short_name(self) -> str:
"""Shortname/Prefix for properties belonging to this generator."""

def init(
plugin: PackageInfoApplicationPlugin,
) -> None:
"""Initialise the PropertyGenerator for the provided plugin."""

def generate_property(
property_config: PropertyConfig,
) -> Property:
"""Generate the property for the given include configuration."""

Once your class is available, you can add it to the generators configuration in the pyproject.toml file.
generators = { mycustom = "my_package.generators.my_generator:MyPropertyGenerator", project = "poetry-plugin-package-info.generators.project:ProjectPropertyGenerator", git = "poetry-plugin-package-info.generators.git:GitPropertyGenerator" }

Related Projects

website: The official Poetry website and blog
poetry-plugin-export: Export Poetry projects/lock files to
foreign formats like requirements.txt (Used some test code from this project)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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