polidoro-config 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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polidoroconfig 1.0.1

Polidoro Config
Polidoro Config it is a configuration manager for you project

Python Versions

Basic Usage
Create a class inheriting from ConfigBase
from pconfig import ConfigBase

class Config(ConfigBase):
DB_HOST = 'localhost'
ENVIRONMENT = 'development'

When the class is instantiated will load from environment variables.
# script.py
from pconfig import ConfigBase

class Config(ConfigBase):
MY_VAR = 'default_value'


>>> python script.py

>>> MY_VAR="new_value" python script.py

If you have the python-dotenv installed will load the .env automatically.
Also, you can load from a .yaml file setting the file path in the Config class:
# script.py
from pconfig import ConfigBase

class Config(ConfigBase):
file_path = "my_config.yml"
MY_VAR = 'default_value'

For more information see the Documentation


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