poly1305_aes 0.13.39

Creator: railscoder56

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poly1305 aes 0.13.39

Python extension module wrapping poly1305aes by Daniel Bernstein
This module is a simple wrapper around the poly1305aes HMAC algorithm by
Daniel J. Bernstein (http://cr.yp.to/mac.html)

What is a HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code)?
From wikipedia
In cryptography, a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) is a
specific construction for calculating a message authentication code
(MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function in combination with a
secret cryptographic key. As with any MAC, it may be used to
simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authentication of
a message. Any cryptographic hash function, such as MD5 or SHA-1, may be
used in the calculation of an HMAC; the resulting MAC algorithm is
termed HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1 accordingly. The cryptographic strength of
the HMAC depends upon the cryptographic strength of the underlying hash
function, the size of its hash output, and on the size and quality of
the key.

What is poly1305?
From http://cr.yp.to/mac.html:
Poly1305-AES is a state-of-the-art secret-key message-authentication
code suitable for a wide variety of applications. Poly1305-AES computes
a 16-byte authenticator of a message of any length, using a 16-byte
nonce (unique message number) and a 32-byte secret key. Attackers can’t
modify or forge messages if the message sender transmits an
authenticator along with each message and the message receiver checks
each authenticator.
Poly1305-AES has several useful features:

Guaranteed security if AES is secure. There’s a theorem guaranteeing
that the security gap is extremely small (n/2^(102) per forgery
attempt for 16n-byte messages) even for long-term keys (2^64
messages). The only way for an attacker to break Poly1305-AES is to
break AES.
Cipher replaceability. If anything does go wrong with AES, users can
switch from Poly1305-AES to Poly1305-AnotherFunction, with an
identical security guarantee.
Extremely high speed. My Poly1305-AES software takes just 3843 Athlon
cycles, 5361 Pentium III cycles, 5464 Pentium 4 cycles, 4611 Pentium
M cycles, 8464 PowerPC 7410 cycles, 5905 PowerPC RS64 IV cycles, 5118
UltraSPARC II cycles, or 5601 UltraSPARC III cycles to verify an
authenticator on a 1024-byte message. Poly1305-AES offers consistent
high speed, not just high speed for one favored CPU.
Low per-message overhead. My Poly1305-AES software takes just 1232
Pentium 4 cycles, 1264 PowerPC 7410 cycles, or 1077 UltraSPARC III
cycles to verify an authenticator on a 64-byte message. Poly1305-AES
offers consistent high speed, not just high speed for long messages.
Most competing functions are designed for long messages and don’t pay
attention to short-packet performance.
Key agility. Poly1305-AES can fit thousands of simultaneous keys into
cache, and remains fast even when keys are out of cache. Poly1305-AES
offers consistent high speed, not just high speed for single-key
benchmarks. Almost all competing functions use a large table for each
key; as the number of keys grows, those functions miss the cache and
slow down dramatically.
Parallelizability and incrementality. Poly1305-AES can take advantage
of additional hardware to reduce the latency for long messages, and
can be recomputed at low cost for a small modification of a long
No intellectual-property claims. I am not aware of any patents or
patent applications relevant to Poly1305-AES.
Guaranteed security, cipher replaceability, and parallelizability are
provided by the standard polynomial-evaluation Wegman-Carter-MAC
framework. Within that framework, hash127-AES achieved extremely high
speed at the expense of a large table for each key.
The big advantage of Poly1305-AES is key agility: extremely high
speed without any key expansion. Other standard MACs are slower and
less secure than Poly1305-AES. Specifically, HMAC-MD5 is slower and
doesn’t have a comparable security guarantee; CBC-MAC-AES is much
slower and has a weaker security guarantee. Both HMAC-MD5 and
CBC-MAC-AES are breakable within 2^64 messages.

Following D.J. Bernstein’s code license, this code is also released into
the public domain. See LICENSE file.
The ‘c’ directory contains the unmodified source code for poly1305aes
from https://cr.yp.to/mac/poly1305aes-20050218.tar.gz.

from poly1305_aes import (
get_key, authenticate, verify
msg = 'Hello world'
kr = get_key()
auth = authenticate(kr, msg)

bad_kr = get_key()
bad_auth = authenticate(kr, msg + '1')
bad_msg = msg + '1'

print('Good: %s\nBad auth: %s\nBad kr: %s\nBad msg: %s' % (
str(verify(auth, kr, msg)),
str(verify(bad_auth, kr, msg)),
str(verify(auth, bad_kr, msg)),
str(verify(auth, kr, bad_msg))
Alternately, run the test script that is shipped:
python -m poly1305_aes.test
To run a simple benchmark:
python -m poly1305_aes.benchmark

Using pip:
pip install 'git+https://github.com/sundarnagarajan/py_poly1305aes.git'
Using setup.py:
python setup.py install


Python: Tested on 2.7.6, 3.4.3, pypy 2.7.10 (pypy 4.0.1)
cffi >= 1.0.0
six - Python.h (libpython-dev on Debian-like systems)
gcc (build-essential on Debian-like systems)

Dan Bernsteins code contains optimizations for:

x86 (Intel)
x86 (Pentium Pro)
x86 (Athlon)
UltraSparc II and III
PowerPC, PPC64

My code only supports generic x86. To support the additional platforms
will require:

Detect CPU type accurately
Change c_src_files in setup.py based on CPU type
Change c_hdr in poly1305_aes.poly1305.py based on CPU type
Change get_key(), authenticate() and verify() to call different
functions in shared
Test on the different CPUs (I only have access to x86!)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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