poly1305_donna 0.11.15

Creator: railscoder56

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poly1305 donna 0.11.15

Fork of poly1305-donna by floodberry
(https://github.com/floodyberry/poly1305-donna) adding a Python wrapper
as an extension module

What is a HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code)?
From wikipedia
In cryptography, a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) is a
specific construction for calculating a message authentication code
(MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function in combination with a
secret cryptographic key. As with any MAC, it may be used to
simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authentication of
a message. Any cryptographic hash function, such as MD5 or SHA-1, may be
used in the calculation of an HMAC; the resulting MAC algorithm is
termed HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1 accordingly. The cryptographic strength of
the HMAC depends upon the cryptographic strength of the underlying hash
function, the size of its hash output, and on the size and quality of
the key.

What is poly1305?
From http://cr.yp.to/mac.html:
Poly1305-AES is a state-of-the-art secret-key message-authentication
code suitable for a wide variety of applications. Poly1305-AES computes
a 16-byte authenticator of a message of any length, using a 16-byte
nonce (unique message number) and a 32-byte secret key. Attackers can’t
modify or forge messages if the message sender transmits an
authenticator along with each message and the message receiver checks
each authenticator.

Following floodberry’s code license, this code is also released into the
public domain. See LICENSE file.
The ‘floodberry.poly1305_donna’ directory contains the unmodified
source code forked from poly1305-donna from

from poly1305_donna import (
self_test, get_key, authenticate, verify,
print('Power-On Self Test result: ' + str(self_test()))
msg = 'Hello world'
print('\nTest class methods - authenticate, verify')
kr = get_key()
auth = authenticate(kr, msg)

bad_kr = get_key()
bad_msg = msg + '1'
bad_auth = authenticate(kr, bad_msg)

print('Good: %s\nBad auth: %s\nBad kr: %s\nBad msg: %s' % (
str(verify(auth, kr, msg)),
str(verify(bad_auth, kr, msg)),
str(verify(auth, bad_kr, msg)),
str(verify(auth, kr, bad_msg))
Alternately, run the test script that is shipped:
python -m poly1305_donna.test
To run a simple benchmark:
python -m poly1305_donna.benchmark

Using pip:
pip install 'git+https://github.com/sundarnagarajan/py_poly1305-donna.git'
Using setup.py:
python setup.py install


Python Tested on 2.7.6, 3.4.3, pypy 2.7.10 (pypy 4.0.1)
cffi >= 1.0.0
Python.h (libpython-dev on Debian-like systems)
gcc (build-essential on Debian-like systems)

py_poly1305_donna does not offer an API for incremental update and
HMAC calculation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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