polygon-geohasher 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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polygongeohasher 0.0.1

# polygon-geohasherPolygon Geohasher is a Open source Python package which converts apolygon into a set of geohashes with arbitrary precision. Moreconversely, it can obtain the set of geohashes inside a polygon orgeohashes that touch (intersects) the polygon. This library uses [python-geohash](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Geohash/) and[shapely](http://toblerity.org/shapely/).## RequirementsPolygon Geohasher requires:- Python >= 3.x.- GEOS >= 3.3 (due to shapely).## InstallingLinux users can get Polygon Geohasher from the Python Package Index withpip (8+):`todo``$ pip install polygon-geohasher`## UsageHere are some simple examples:```pythonfrom shapely import geometrypolygon = geometry.Polygon([(-99.1795917, 19.432134), (-99.1656847, 19.429034), (-99.1776492, 19.414236), (-99.1795917, 19.432134)])inner_geohashes_polygon = geohashes_to_polygon(polygon_to_geohashes(test_polygon, 7))outer_geohashes_polygon = geohashes_to_polygon(polygon_to_geohashes(test_polygon, 7, False))````geohash_to_polygon(geohash)`:This function receives a geohash, and returns a Shapely's Polygon.`geohashes_to_polygon(geohashes)`:This function receives a set of geohashes, and returns a Shapely's Polygon or MultiPolygon.`polygon_to_geohashes(polygon, precision, inner(optional))`:This function receives a Shapely's Polygon, the precision of geohashes thatwill be used to create a polygon and returns a set of geohashes(strings) which covers the polygon. It also receives an optionalparameter `inner` that defines the way how those polygons will be created.If inner only contained geohashes will be used, otherwise intersected will.For instance you can see resulted geohashed polygons with both options.![Example](./docs/images/geohashed-polygon-1.jpg)#### DonationsIf you want to make any donation you can send to:- [BTC](bitcoin.org): 1H6VrFKCEabn3rbE9JJUSRXB7PU8Bm4SND- [BCC](bitcoincash.org): 1CmuSwFD9qghEfJ4DdSiRWLxfvK5Srfqsg


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