polysquare-generic-file-linter 0.1.24

Creator: railscoder56

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polysquaregenericfilelinter 0.1.24

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|`|Travis| <http://travis-ci.org/polysquare/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_|`|AppVeyor| <https://ci.appveyor.com/project/smspillaz/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_|`|Coveralls| <http://coveralls.io/polysquare/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_|`|PyPIVersion| <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_`|PyPIPythons| <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_|`|License| <http://github.com/polysquare/polysquare-generic-file-linter>`_|
Checks each file passed in for compliance with polysquare style

headerblock/filename: Checks that the first line of the file has
a line which matches /path/to/file from the source root
headerblock/desc_space: Checks that the second line of the
headerblock is as empty comment
headerblock/space_copyright: Checks that the second last line of
the headerblock is an empty comment
headerblock/copyright: Checks that the last line of the
headerblock contains an appropriate short-form copyright notice
file/newline_last_char: Checks that the last line is just a
file/spelling_error: Checks that docstrings and comments do not
contain spelling errors or technical-like terms that do not appear in
the rest of the source file
file/trailing_whitespace: Checks that no line contains trailing

Main Linter Usage
usage: polysquare-generic-file-linter [-h] [--checks]
[--whitelist [LIST [LIST ...]]]
[--blacklist [LIST [LIST ...]]]
[--spellcheck-cache SPELLCHECK_CACHE]
[--log-technical-terms-to LOG]
[--stamp-file-path STAMP_FILE_PATH]
[--block-regexps [BLOCK [BLOCK ...]]]
[FILE [FILE ...]]

Lint for Polysquare style guide

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--checks list available checks
--whitelist [WHITELIST [WHITELIST ...]]
list of checks that should only be run
--blacklist [BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]]
list of checks that should never be run
--fix-what-you-can fix errors automatically
--spellcheck-cache SPELLCHECK_CACHE
path to spell-checking cache file
--log-technical-terms-to LOG_TECHNICAL_TERMS_TO
path to file to log technical terms to
--stamp-file-path STAMP_FILE_PATH
path to directory to store cached results
--block-regexps [BLOCK_REGEXES [BLOCK_REGEXES ...]]
Regular expressions to exclude from all checks.

Of some interest to others may be the spell-checking functionality. The
file/spelling_error check will scan any inline documentation
(docstrings and comments) in your code for spelling errors and misused
technical terms. If you want a string, (because, for example, it
contains user-facing text) to be considered, just make it a python-style
docstring by using three quotes.

Ordinary words
The spell-checker will check any ordinary word, those being words with
roman alphabetical characters and an apostrophe (’) against a list of
words in the American English dictionary as generated by
SCOWL at level 50 with abbreviations
and hacker-terms on. You can also specify your own domain specific words
by providing a file called DICTIONARY in the project root directory.
Words are checked against both lists on a case-insensitive basis.

Technical words
Certain words, once separated by the check, will be treated as
“technical” words as opposed to ordinary words. They will be checked
against the list of valid symbols detected from the surrounding source
code. For instance, the following code will trigger an error, because
the term _CustomTerm wasn’t defined in the source file (CustomTerm was,
class CustomTerm:

"""_CustomTerm is a certain type of class."""

Ignoring certain expressions
Sometimes it does not make sense to run spellcheck or check certain
expressions against the list of detected technical words. This is often
the case where comments might contain inline markup or metadata which
looks and behaves like code. The check can be told to ignore anything
matching a user-specified regex in order to handle this case. Just pass
the regex to --block-regexps.

Removal of punctuation
The check will do its best to remove surrounding punctuation around
words such that only those words are checked against the word lists.
However, punctuation must follow standard English grammar rules in order
for words around them to be considered as ordinary words instead of
technical words. For instance, a space must appear before an opening
parenthesis. But a nested opening parenthesis can appear directly after
another opening The golden rule is that if it looks like something which
could be code, the surrounding words will be treated as code and not as
ordinary English words.

Speeding up execution
Whoosh, the spellchecking
engine behind file/spelling_error needs to generate some data
structures in order to quickly find corrections for words. Generating
these data structures with the long word list that is shipped with this
tool by default can take a few seconds. Obviously, this would be
undesirable if this tool is to be used multiple times or as part of a
script. You can pass --spellcheck-cache and a path to a directory to
store cache files to cache the result of these data structures between

Stand-alone spellchecking
If you just want to run spellcheck on the code comments and inline
documentation, then you can use the --whitelist option to only run
that check. Just pass it with --whitelist file/spelling_error.
If you want to run spellcheck on an entire file, a special tool called
spellcheck-linter is provided which also serves that purpose. It
will check all ordinary looking words against the user-provided
DICTIONARY and the built-in American English dictionary. If
--technical-terms and a path to a filename containing technical
terms is provided, it will also check that technical looking terms exist
in this file.

Spellcheck Linter Usage
usage: spellcheck-linter [-h] [--spellcheck-cache SPELLCHECK_CACHE]
[--technical-terms TECHNICAL_TERMS]
[--technical-terms-dependencies [[DEPENDENCY ...]]]
[--stamp-file-path STAMP_FILE_PATH]
[FILE [FILE ...]]

Find spelling errors

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--spellcheck-cache SPELLCHECK_CACHE
path to spell-checking cache file
--technical-terms TECHNICAL_TERMS
path to file to source technical terms from
--stamp-file-path STAMP_FILE_PATH
path to directory to store cached results

Technical terms
A technical terms file is just a list of symbols in a text file. As a
matter of convenience, this can be automatically generated for you by
passing --log-technical-terms-to to
polysquare-generic-file-linter when checking the inline
documentation of those files. The second argument after this switch
should be the path to a filename where technical terms are to be stored.
On each invocation, the union of the current file contents and the
technical terms detected will be written back to the file.

Disabling regions from being spell-checked
If you need to disable a region from being spell-checked, you can wrap
it in triple-back-ticks, like so:
content that is not spell-checked

Embedding the checking API
The exported API in polysquarelinter.spelling isn’t by any means
stable right now, but it can be embedded into an application with some
The Dictionary class encapsulates the Whoosh spellchecking API,
word-lookup and caching functionality. The dictionary_sources
keyword argument indicates a list of files from which the words in
passed to the Dictionary were sourced from. If any of these files has a
newer timestamp than the dictionary cache, then the dictionary cache
will be regenerated.
The spellcheck_region function takes a list of lines and runs
spellcheck and a check for invalid technical words on each word in those
lines. It will handle punctuation and other syntactical markets
appropriately in either case. Both the valid_words_dictionary and
technical_words_dictionary can be either None or an instance of
Dictionary. The user_words argument is simply a set of words
that the user has indicated are always valid.
The spellcheckable_and_shadow_contents splits a file into
spellcheckable chunks (made out of _ChunkInfo) and “shadow
contents”, which make up the rest of the file. The shadow contents are
usually just the code around the inline documentation. The data
member of _ChunkInfo is a list of lines, effectively representing
the region which should be spellchecked. line_offset and
col_offset indicate the line and column offset into the main
contents. If you are reporting errors, any error in SpellcheckError
as returned by spellcheck_region will be returned relative to the
contents passed to it and not to the whole file. Use the offsets in
_ChunkInfo to turn these into absolute offsets into the file being
checked itself.

Internally, polysquare-generic-file-linter and spellcheck-linter
cache their results using the
`jobstamps <https://github.com/polysquare/jobstamps>`_ library. If
you want to redirect where the cache files are written, you can pass
--stamp-file-path to either tool.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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