polyswarm-client 2.13.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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polyswarmclient 2.13.3

PolySwarm Client Library

For the convenience of those who wish to join the PolySwarm marketplace, this is
a client library to simplify interacting with a polyswarmd instance from your Python code.
It includes:

abstract classes for ambassador, arbiter, and microengine implementations
exemplar ambassador, arbiter, and microengine implementations
helper classes

For important changes releases, see the Release History.
You need python3 >= 3.6.5 and pip >= 20.0.
Then use pip to install polyswarm-client.
pip install polyswarm-client

We have extensive documentation on how to use this package available in our docs.
For Developers
Running Tests
Install all app dependencies:
pip install -rrequirements.txt

Install all test dependencies:
pip install -rrequirements-test.txt

Run all tests:

Updating VCR cassettes

Run polyswarmd-fast by following the instructions in the project's README.md file.
Delete the cassette files.
Re-run all tests


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