polyversion 0.2.2a1

Creator: railscoder56

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polyversion 0.2.2a1





2018 JRC.C4(STU), European Commission (JRC)
MIT License

The python 2.7+ library needed by (sub-)projects managed by polyvers cmd to derive their version-ids on runtime from Git.
Specifically, the configuration file .polyvers.yaml is NOT read -
you have to repeat any non-default configurations as function/method keywords
when calling this API.
Here only a very rudimentary documentation is provided - consult polyvers
documents provided in the link above.

Only this library is (permissive) MIT-licensed, so it can be freely vendorized
by any program - the respective polyvers command-line tool is
“copylefted” under EUPLv1.2.


There are 4 ways to use this library:

As a setuptools plugin;
through its Python-API (to dynamically version your project);
through its barebone cmdline tool: polyversion
(installation required);
through the standalone executable wheel: bin/pvlib.run
(no installation, but sources required; behaves identically
to polyversion command).

setuptools usage
currentmodule: polyversion
The polyversion library function as a setuptools “plugin”, and
adds two new setup() keywords for deriving subproject versions
from PKG-INFO or git tags (see func(polyversion.init_plugin_kw)):

keyword: polyversion --> (bool | dict)
When a dict, its keys roughly mimic those in func(polyversion()),
and can be used like this:
from setuptools import setup

version='' # omit (or None) to abort if cannot auto-version
polyversion={ # dict or bool
'mono_project': True, # false by default
... # See `polyversion.init_plugin_kw()` for more keys.
setup_requires=[..., 'polyversion'],

keyword: polyversion_check_bdist_enabled --> bool
When it is true, the bdist-check is enabled, and any bdist_* setup-commands
(e.g. bdist_wheel) will abort if not run from engraved sources
(ie from an release tag).
To enable this check without editing the sources, add the following into
your $CWD/setup.cfg file:
polyversion_check_bdist_enabled = true

API usage
An API sample of using also func(polytime()) from within your
myproject.git/myproject/__init__.py file:
from polyversion import polyversion, polytime # no hack, dependency already installed

__version__ = polyversion() # project assumed equal to this module-name: 'myproject'
__updated__ = polytime()

Depending on your repo’s versioning scheme (eg you have a mono-project repo,
with version-tags simply like vX.Y.Z), you must add in both invocations
of func(polyversion.polyversion()) above the kw-arg mono_project=True.

Console usage
The typical command-line usage of this library (assuming you don’t want to install
the full blown polyvers command tool) is given below:
user@host:~/ $ polyversion --help
Describe the version of a *polyvers* projects from git tags.

polyversion [PROJ-1] ...
polyversion [-v | -V ] # print my version information

user@host:~/ $ polyversion polyversion # fails, not in a git repo
b'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n'
cmd: ['git', 'describe', '--match=cf-v*']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/pyenv/site-packages/pvlib/polyversion/__main__.py", line 18, in main
File "/pyenv/site-packages/pvlib/polyversion/__init__.py", line 340, in run
res = polyversion(args[0], repo_path=os.curdir)
File "/pyenv/site-packages/pvlib/polyversion/__init__.py", line 262, in polyversion
pvtag = _my_run(cmd, cwd=repo_path)
File "/pyenv/site-packages/pvlib/polyversion/__init__.py", line 106, in _my_run
raise sbp.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'describe', '--match=cf-v*']' returned non-zero exit status 128.

user@host:~/ $ cd polyvers.git
user@host:~/polyvers.git (dev) $ polyversion polyvers polyversion
polyvers: 0.0.2a10
polyversion: 0.0.2a9

Standalone wheel
Various ways to use the standalone wheel from bash
(these will still work without having installed anything):
user@host:~/polyvers.git (master) $
user@host:~/polyvers.git (master) $ ./bin/pvlib.run polyversion
polyversion: 0.0.2a9
user@host:~/polyvers.git (master) $ python ./bin/pvlib.run --help
user@host:~/polyvers.git (master) $ python ./bin/pvlib.run -m polyversion -v
version: 0.0.2a9
user@host:~/polyvers.git (master) $ PYTHONPATH=./bin/pvlib.run python -m polyversion -V
version: 0.0.2a9
updated: Thu, 24 May 2018 02:47:37 +0300
For the rest, consult the polyvers project: https://polyvers.readthedocs.io


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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