polzybackend 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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polzybackend 1.0.0

PoLZy Back-End App
PoLZy is a flexible tool for insurance companies to deal with standard business processes during the life cycle of a policy.
Here you can find the PoLZy back-end application.
Currently, it is available only a development installation
Custom Elements
As we mention above, PoLZy is a flexible system. You may adjust it by your specific environment by developing custom subclasses.
A policy class is responsible for fetching policy data from Policy Management System and providing it to the front-end app. It inherits class Policy from base.policy and overrides the following elements:
fetch(policy_number, effective_date)
The method fetches a policy data from the Policy Management System and reshape it to a JSON object (dict) of structure that is shown in the figure bellow. The reshaped data is stored in data property. The method returns True if it successful, otherwise - False.

Property activities_by_state defines the list of possible policy states and available activities for each state:
activities_by_status = {
'state_1': [
'state_2': []

Policy Attributes
There are several properties that defines policy attribute (see the figure above):

attributes_policy -- policy attributes (dictionary of <name: description> records)
attributes_insured_person -- insured person attributes (corresponds to insured object attributes if is_person: true -- dictionary of <name: description> records)
attributes_insured_object -- insured object attributes (corresponds to insured object attributes if is_person: false -- dictionary of <name: description> records)
attributes_implementation -- implementation attributes of an insured object (dictionary of <name: description> records)
attributes_product_line -- product line attributes (dictionary which keys correspond to the Product Line names and values are dictionary of <name: description>)
attributes_insured_object_type -- insured object type attributes (corresponds to insured object attributes if is_person: false -- dictionary which keys correspond to the Insured Object Types and values are dictionary of <name: description>)

Set property CLASSNAME_POLICY of the config object to point on the policy class to activate it within current PoLZy implementation.
class Config(object):

CLASSNAME_POLICY = 'polzy.SamplePolicy'

Example of policy definition
from base.policy import Policy

class SamplePolicy(Policy):

# policy statuses with corresponded possible activities
activities_by_state = {
'active': [
'canceled': [],
'suspended': [

# policy attribute descriptions
attributes_policy = {
'Policy Attribute 1': 'Description of Policy Attribute 1',
'Policy Attribute 2': 'Description of Policy Attribute 2',
'Policy Attribute 3': 'Description of Policy Attribute 3',
'Policy Attribute 4': 'Description of Policy Attribute 4',

# product line attribute descriptions
attributes_product_line = {
'Life': {
'Life Attribute 1': 'Description of Life Attribute 1',
'Life Attribute 2': 'Description of Life Attribute 2',
'Life Attribute 3': 'Description of Life Attribute 3',
'Health': {
'Health Attribute 1': 'Description of Health Attribute 1',
'Health Attribute 2': 'Description of Health Attribute 2',
'Health Attribute 3': 'Description of Health Attribute 3',
'Health Attribute 4': 'Description of Health Attribute 4',
'Health Attribute 5': 'Description of Health Attribute 5',
'P&C': {
'P&C Attribute 1': 'Description of P&C Attribute 1',
'P&C Attribute 2': 'Description of P&C Attribute 2',
'Car': {
'Car Attribute 1': 'Description of Car Attribute 1',

# insured person attribute descriptions
attributes_insured_person = {
'Insured Object Attribute 1': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 1',
'Insured Object Attribute 2': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 2',
'Insured Object Attribute 3': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 3',

# insured object attribute descriptions
attributes_insured_object = {
'Insured Object Attribute 1': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 1',
'Insured Object Attribute 2': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 2',
'Insured Object Attribute 3': 'Description of Insured Object Attribute 3',

# insured object type attribute descriptions
attributes_insured_object_type = {
'House': {
'Hause Attribute 1': 'Description of House Attribute 1',
'Car': {
'Car Attribute 1': 'Description of Car Attribute 1',
'Car Attribute 2': 'Description of Car Attribute 2',
'Factory': {
'Factory Attribute 1': 'Description of Factory Attribute 1',
'Factory Attribute 2': 'Description of Factory Attribute 2',
'Factory Attribute 3': 'Description of Factory Attribute 3',
'Field': {
'Field Attribute 1': 'Description of Field Attribute 1',
'Field Attribute 2': 'Description of Field Attribute 2',
'Forest': {
'Forest Attribute 1': 'Description of Forest Attribute 1',

# implementation attribute descriptions
attributes_implementation = {
'Implementation Attribute 1': 'Description of Implementation Attribute 1',
'Implementation Attribute 2': 'Description of Implementation Attribute 2',

def fetch(self):
# fetch policy data from Policy Management System
data = policy_system.get(self.number, self.effective_date)
if data:
# reshape data if needed
self.data = data
return True

return False

First install the dependencies and initiate the database:
pip install -r requirements.py
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade

By default, PoLZy uses sqlite3 database polzy.db located in the app root folder. You may change that by setting the environmental variable DATABASE_URL.
To migrate database after changing the Value Models, execute:
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade

To populate database with the sample instances, execute:
python populate_db.py


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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