pool-workers 0.0.6

Creator: railscoder56

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poolworkers 0.0.6

Pool_Workers is a small package for dealing with pools, workers and queues.
pip install pool-workers

More info:
Usefull functions for Pool as well as Worker.
Default params:
Pool(max_workers=os.cpu_count() + 4, name=None, queue=None, wait_queue=True,
result_queue=None, workers_sleep=0.1, callback=None, execption_handler=execption_handler)
from pool_workers import Pool

pool = Pool(...)

pool.start() # Start all workers to process queue tasks.
pool.is_alive() # Return true if is there any alive worker, else false.
pool.is_idle() # Return true if is there any worker in idle mode, else false.
pool.is_done() # Return true if the queue is empty (no tasks left to process).
pool.is_paused() # Return true if the all workers have been paused, else false.
pool.shutdown() # Abort all workers
pool.join() # Wait for all workers to finish the all queue tasks.
pool.result() # return a list result
pool.pause() # pause the all workers
pool.resume() # resume the all workers
pool.count() # count workers
pool.update() # adjust the number of workers

default params:
Worker(name, queue, result=None, wait_queue=False, sleep=0.5, callback=None,
from pool_workers import Worker

worker = Worker(...)

worker.abort() # stop worker in a safe way
# And like a normal thread, worker has also:

Example 1:
import time
import threading
import random

from queue import Queue
from pool_workers import Pool, Task

# Our logic to be performed Asynchronously.
def our_process(a):
t = threading.current_thread()
# just to semulate how mush time this logic is going to take to be done.
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 3))
print(f'{t.getName()} is finished the task {a} ...')

# Our function to handle thrown exceptions from 'our_process' logic.
def execption_handler(thread_name, exception):
print(f'{thread_name}: {exception}')

# create a queue & pool.
q = Queue()
pool = Pool(name='Pool_1', queue=q, wait_queue=False, execption_handler=execption_handler)

# adding some tasks the the queue.
for i in range(10):
# Creating task with args and kwargs and push it into the queue.
task = Task(our_process, args=(i,), kwargs={})

# start the Pool
# go back to the main thread from time to another to check the KeyboardInterrupt
while pool.is_alive():

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
# shutdown the pool by aborting its Workers/threads.

"""output result
Worker_1_Pool_1 is finished the task 1 ...
Worker_1_Pool_1 is finished the task 2 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1 is finished the task 0 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1 is finished the task 4 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1 is finished the task 5 ...
Worker_1_Pool_1 is finished the task 3 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1 is finished the task 6 ...
Worker_1_Pool_1 is finished the task 7 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1 is finished the task 8 ...
Worker_0_Pool_1: The Queue is empty.
Worker_1_Pool_1 is finished the task 9 ...
Worker_1_Pool_1: The Queue is empty.
Worker_0_Pool_1 is stopped
Worker_1_Pool_1 is stopped
Pool_1 is shutted down

Example 2:
import time
import threading
import random

from queue import Queue
from pool_workers import Worker, Task

# Our logic to be performed Asynchronously.
def our_process(a):
t = threading.current_thread()
# just to semulate how mush time this logic is going to take to be done.
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 3))
print(f'{t.getName()} is finished the task {a} ...')

# Our function to handle thrown exceptions from 'our_process' logic.
def execption_handler(thread_name, exception):
print(f'{thread_name}: {exception}')

# create a queue & pool.
q = Queue()
t = Worker(name='worker', queue=q, wait_queue=False, sleep=0.1, execption_handler=execption_handler)

# adding some tasks the the queue.
for i in range(10):
# Creating task with args and kwargs and push it into the queue.
task = Task(our_process, args=(i,), kwargs={})

# start the Pool
# block the code execution here to check the KeyboardInterrupt (to stop the worker safely)
while t.is_alive():

# Can't go here until the worker finishes his work.

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
# stop the Worker/thread.

"""output result
worker is finished the task 0 ...
worker is finished the task 1 ...
worker is finished the task 2 ...
worker is finished the task 3 ...
worker is finished the task 4 ...
worker is finished the task 5 ...
worker is finished the task 6 ...
worker is finished the task 7 ...
worker is finished the task 8 ...
worker is finished the task 9 ...

MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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