popEtl 1.1.4

Creator: railscoderz

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popEtl 1.1.4

|PyPI version| |Docs badge| |License|******popEtl******popEtl created for modeling and implementing any data integration project- if it is small or large amount of data,relational database or cloud APIs, Sql or no sql, data cleansing or modeling algorthims - popEtl aims to give asingle platfrom that can model any data strucure, load data from one source to another and be able to maintain allrequired changes that any integration project deal in fast and clean mannerThe project started to be build becouse we are lazy and we like automation any we hate mainatance !!Read more about popEtl at http://www.biSkilled.com (marketing) or at `popEtl documnatation <https://readthedocs.org/projects/popeye-etl/>`_Installation===========`download from GitHub <https://github.com/biskilled/popEtl>`_ or intall by using ``pip``Roadmap=======We would like to create a platfrom that will enable to design, implement and maintance and data integration project such as:* Any REST API connectivity from any API to any API using simple json maping* Any Relational data base connectivity using json mapping* Any Non relational storage* Main platfrom for any middleware business logic - from sample if-than-else up to statistics algorithms using ML and DL algorithms* Enable Real time and schedlued integrationWe will extend our connectors and Meta-data manager accordingly.Cuurent supporting features===========================* APIs : salesforce* RMDBs : sql-server, access, oracle, vertice, mySql* middleware : column reansformation and simple data cleansing* DBs : mongoDb* Batch : Using external scheduler currentltly .....* onLine : Needs to be implemented .....Authors=======popEtl was created by `Tal Shany <http://www.biskilled.com>`_(tal@biSkilled.com)We are looking for contributions !!!License=======GNU General Public License v3.0See `COPYING <COPYING>`_ to see the full text... |PyPI version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/popEtl.svg :target: https://github.com/biskilled/popEtl.. |Docs badge| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-brightgreen.svg :target: https://readthedocs.org/projects/popeye-etl/.. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL%20v3.0-brightgreen.svg :target: COPYING :alt: Repository License


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