portage-livecheck 0.0.13

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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portagelivecheck 0.0.13


Tool for overlays to update ebuilds. Inspired by the MacPorts port subcommand of the same name.
On Gentoo, add my overlay and install:
eselect overlay enable tatsh-overlay
emerge --sync
emerge livecheck

Command line usage
Usage: livecheck [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE_NAMES]...

-a, --auto-update Rename and modify ebuilds.
-d, --debug Enable debug logging.
-e, --exclude TEXT Exclude package(s) from updates.
-W, --working-dir DIRECTORY Working directory. Should be a port tree root.
--help Show this message and exit.

Heuristic update detection
This package can do automated lookups based on commonly used hosts. Currently:

GitHub archives
GitHub commit hashes
GitHub releases
JetBrains products

This works as long as the version system is usable with Portage's version
comparison function. For anything else, see Package configuration.
Package configuration
For packages that will not work with currently heuristic checking, a configuration file named
livecheck.json can be placed in the directory alongside the ebuild.
Configuration keys

type - none, regex, or checksum
branch - The GitHub branch name to use for commits
no_auto_update - boolean - Do not allow auto-updating of this package
regex - The regular expression to use
semver - When set to false, do not allow detection of semantic versioning
transformation_function - string - Function to use to transform the version string. Currently
only dotize is supported. Others are for internal use.
url - URL of the document to run regular expressions against
use_vercmp - boolean - if vercmp from Portage should be used. Default: true.

Development use
As root, set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to include where the livecheck module is
located. Use python -m livecheck instead of livecheck to execute commands.
With a virtualenv
Run poetry install --all-extras --with=dev,docs,tests to set up a virtualenv.
Fully copy /etc/portage to the root of your virtualenv. Then you must fix make.profile. Also
consider making changes in repos.conf if necessary.
poetry shell
cd "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc"
cp -R /etc/portage .
cd portage
ln -sf "$(readlink -f /etc/portage/make.profile)" make.profile


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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