porunga 0.9.3

Creator: railscoder56

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porunga 0.9.3

porunga is a tool for algorithms testing.

In order to install porunga simply run:
pip install porunga

Basically we need specific files structure to test our algorithms:
Here, foobar is our problem name - it should be same for parent the
directory and coded solution (here we have foobar.py but it can be other
language - see supported languages below; i.e. for Java we would create
foobar.java file)
At ./foobar/ directory we would run:
$ porunga test --lang python
See help for more options (you can see supported languages there too):
$ porunga test -h
If we want to set time constraints for tests we can use --timeout switch. In
example, if we need tests to run below 2.5 seconds we can run:
$ porunga test --timeout 2.5
Please note that very low timeout value is not supported. Moreover,

Supported languages
Currently porunga supports following languages:

Objective C

Java source file should be named same as parent directory and should contain
public class with same name. So if our problem is called foobar we would
create foobar.java file with foobar named public class.

Let’s say we have a following problem to solve:

At input we get two integers: n, m, where 1 <= n < m <= 100000.
Your program should write to output all Fibonacci numbers between n and m
(including both). Numbers at output should be space separated.
INPUT 1: 3 5
OUTPUT 1: 2 3 5

INPUT 2: 6 10
OUTPUT 2: 8 13 21 34 55
Firstly, let’s make a directory for our solution:
$ mkdir fibs
$ cd fibs
Let’s also create a testdata directory (exact name should be used) and put
there some test cases:
$ mkdir testdata
$ echo '3 5' > testdata/test01.in
$ echo '2 3 5' > testdata/test01.out
$ echo '6 10' > testdata/test02.in
$ echo '8 13 21 34 55' > testdata/test02.out
Note that test inputs and outputs should have .in and .out extensions
Now let’s create our solution - we can pick any of the supported languages but
for sake of this tutorial let it be Python module. Create one (empty for now):
$ touch fibs.py
We should have following files created by now:
That’s it. We can now run porunga inside fibs directory and see our
solution being tested against created test cases:
$ porunga test
Testing ./fibs

=> Binary: python /Users/lukasz/temp/fibs/fibs.py

=> Testing ./fibs/testdata/test01.in ... Fail
=> Testing ./fibs/testdata/test02.in ... Fail

=> Total time: 0.058s
=> 2 out of 2 tests failed
Well, we get 2 tests failed but we haven’t actually coded anything yet. Just put
following code into fibs.py:
import fileinput
import re
import sys

def fib(n):
if n in (1, 2):
return 1
a = b = 1
for x in range(3, n + 1):
a, b = b, a + b
return b

def main():
fin = fileinput.input()
n, m = map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', fin.readline()))
fibs = [str(fib(num)) for num in range(n, m + 1)]
result = ' '.join(fibs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
(this is not optimal code as we compute Fibonacci numbers each time but it can
be easily upgraded)
Let’s run tests again:
$ porunga test
Testing ./fibs

=> Binary: python ./fibs/fibs.py

=> Testing ./fibs/testdata/test01.in ... OK [0.030]s
=> Testing ./fibs/testdata/test02.in ... OK [0.033]s

=> Total time: 0.063s
=> All 2 tests passed


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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