poseconnect 0.17.2

Creator: railscoder56

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poseconnect 0.17.2

Tools for constructing 3D pose tracks from multi-camera 2D poses
To install both the Python library and the command line interface, launch a
Python virtual environment (optional, but recommended) and then install via
pip install poseconnect

Command line interface
The command line interface consists of a single command (poseconnect) with
four subcommands:

reconstruct takes a file of 2D pose data and a file of camera calibration info as inputs and outputs a file of 3D pose data
track takes a file of 3D pose data as input and outputs a file of 3D pose data with track IDs
interpolate takes a file of 3D pose data with track IDs as input and fills time gaps in each track with linearly interpolated poses
identify takes a file of 3D pose data with track IDs and a file of location sensor data with person IDs and outputs a file of 3D pose data with track and person IDs
overlay takes a file of 2D or 3D pose data and a source video for the data and outputs a video with the poses overlaid

Overall help is available at poseconnect --help and help for each subcommand
(including usage and a list of options) is available at poseconnect SUBCOMMAND --help (e.g., poseconnect reconstruct --help).
Data formats
More information about input and output data file formats is available here.
To see the command line interface in action, download and unzip the following sample JSON data files to your current directory and run the demo shell script:

2D pose data
Camera calibration info
Sensor data


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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